Module hashers::fx_hash[][src]


This hashing algorithm was extracted from the Rustc compiler. This is the same hashing algorithm used for some internal operations in FireFox. The strength of this algorithm is in hashing 8 bytes at a time on 64-bit platforms, where the FNV algorithm works on one byte at a time.

This Hasher is imported from the fxhash crate.

Ok, its is a weird one. It chomps the data in 32- or 64- (or system-specific) bit bites, and is otherwise very, very simple. Literally, the algorithm is based around hashing a word: rotate_left(5).bitxor(word).wrapping_mul($key)

The complexity must be the $key value, right. In 64-bits, it is 0x517cc1b727220a95. What's that, you ask?

$ bc
ibase = 16
scale = 15
(2^64) / 5871781006564002453

For those not in the bc inner circle, 0x517cc1b727220a95 = 5871781006564002453, which when divided into 2^64 is 3.14159, i.e. π.

So, yeah.

The fxhash crate provides both 32- and 64-bit versions, as well as FxHasher, which uses the system bit-width.



This hashing algorithm was extracted from the Rustc compiler. This is the same hashing algoirthm used for some internal operations in FireFox. The strength of this algorithm is in hashing 8 bytes at a time on 64-bit platforms, where the FNV algorithm works on one byte at a time.


This hashing algorithm was extracted from the Rustc compiler. This is the same hashing algoirthm used for some internal operations in FireFox. The strength of this algorithm is in hashing 4 bytes at a time on any platform, where the FNV algorithm works on one byte at a time.


This hashing algorithm was extracted from the Rustc compiler. This is the same hashing algoirthm used for some internal operations in FireFox. The strength of this algorithm is in hashing 8 bytes at a time on any platform, where the FNV algorithm works on one byte at a time.

