initSidebarItems({"macro":[["hash_cons!","Creates a hash consed type for some type."],["hc_match!","Convenience macro to match hash consed things."],["sync_hash_cons!","Creates a thread safe hash consed type for some type."]],"mod":[["sync","Thread safe version of the hash consed library. The consign is wrapped in a mutex. The main difference for users is that hash cons operations now take a `& self` and note a `& mut self`."]],"struct":[["HashConsed","Stores a hash consed element and its hash in order to avoid recomputing it every time. A (synced) consign stores stores `Rc`s (`Arc`s) of that type for (thread-safe) sharing."],["HashConsign","The consign storing the actual hash consed elements as `Rc`s."]],"trait":[["Hash","A hashable type."],["Hasher","A trait which represents the ability to hash an arbitrary stream of bytes."]],"type":[["HConsed","Actual type stored and returned by the consign."]]});