Expand description

Holds Handshake specific types, witnesses, inputs, outputs, and transactions.


pub use covenant::*;
pub use lockingscript::*;
pub use script::*;
pub use tx::*;
pub use txin::*;
pub use txout::*;


Handshake Covenant Types

Handshake LockingScript and WitnessProgram

This module holds a Script struct and a HandshakeScript trait. Handshake is segwit only, meaning that there are no ScriptPubkeys and there are no opcodes encoded in an address. Addresses are bech32 and depending on the version and data, a Script is created at runtime.

Handshake transaction types and associated sighash arguments.

This module holds transaction inputs for Handshake transactions. Since Handshake is a UTXO based blockchain, the transaction inputs point to a UTXO by the transaction id and output index.

Handshake TxOut and Vout types.