Crate haizhi_rocksdb

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Rust wrapper for RocksDB.


use rocksdb::{DB, Options};
// NB: db is automatically closed at end of lifetime
let path = "_path_for_rocksdb_storage";
   let db = DB::open_default(path).unwrap();
   db.put(b"my key", b"my value").unwrap();
   match db.get(b"my key") {
       Ok(Some(value)) => println!("retrieved value {}", String::from_utf8(value).unwrap()),
       Ok(None) => println!("value not found"),
       Err(e) => println!("operational problem encountered: {}", e),
   db.delete(b"my key").unwrap();
let _ = DB::destroy(&Options::default(), path);

Opening a database and a single column family with custom options:

use rocksdb::{DB, ColumnFamilyDescriptor, Options};

let path = "_path_for_rocksdb_storage_with_cfs";
let mut cf_opts = Options::default();
let cf = ColumnFamilyDescriptor::new("cf1", cf_opts);

let mut db_opts = Options::default();
    let db = DB::open_cf_descriptors(&db_opts, path, vec![cf]).unwrap();
let _ = DB::destroy(&db_opts, path);







  • Utility trait to accept both supported references to ColumnFamily (&ColumnFamily and BoundColumnFamily)
  • Value which can be converted into a C string.
  • Minimal set of DB-related methods, intended to be generic over DBWithThreadMode<T>. Mainly used internally
  • EventListener trait contains a set of call-back functions that will be called when specific RocksDB event happens such as flush. It can be used as a building block for developing custom features such as stats-collector or external compaction algorithm.
  • A range which can be set as iterate bounds on crate::ReadOptions.
  • Marker trait to specify single or multi threaded column family alternations for DBWithThreadMode<T>
  • Receives the puts and deletes of a write batch.

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