[][src]Function hactool_sys::mbedtls_cipher_cmac_starts

pub unsafe extern "C" fn mbedtls_cipher_cmac_starts(
    ctx: *mut mbedtls_cipher_context_t,
    key: *const c_uchar,
    keybits: usize
) -> c_int

\brief Set the CMAC key and prepare to authenticate the input data. Should be called with an initialized cipher context.

\param ctx Cipher context. This should be a cipher context, initialized to be one of the following types: MBEDTLS_CIPHER_AES_128_ECB, MBEDTLS_CIPHER_AES_192_ECB, MBEDTLS_CIPHER_AES_256_ECB or MBEDTLS_CIPHER_DES_EDE3_ECB. \param key CMAC key \param keybits length of the CMAC key in bits (must be acceptable by the cipher)

\return 0 if successful, or a cipher specific error code