Module gut::io::vtk::model[]

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VTK Data Model

This module defines the main data structures used to represent a VTK file. The structure of the main Vtk struct is general enough to represent both Legacy as well as serial and parallel XML file formats. See the official VTK documentation for details.


A descriptor of a DataArray.

Point and cell attributes.

A descriptor of a collection of Attributes.

Cells with variable types.

Point coordinates on a RectilinearGrid corresponding to x, y and z axes.

A named array of elements.

ImageData piece data.

PolyData piece data.

RectilinearGrid piece data.

StructuredGrid piece data.

UnstructuredGrid piece data.

Version number (e.g. 4.1 => Version { major: 4, minor: 1 })

Model of the VTK file.


Data structure that stores a VTK attribute.

This enum describes the types of Cells representable by VTK files.

Dataset described in the file.

The type of element being represented inside a DataArray.

Error type describing failure modes of various model processing tasks and validation.

The extent of the structured object being represented in 3D space.

Numeric data buffer.

A descriptor of the data set being stored.

A piece of a data set.

Types of data that can be recognized by the parser. Not all data types are supported for all classes.

Vertex numbers for general cells, polygons, lines, strips or stand-alone vertices.


Type Definitions

A data array whose elements are given a type by elem.

A data array whose elements have a number of components given by the integer elem.

An extent for structured data specified as a triplet of inclusive ranges.