Module gusto_api::types

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The data types sent to and returned from the API client.



  • Bank account type
  • The status of the company in Gusto. “Approved” companies may run payroll with Gusto. “Not Approved” companies may not yet run payroll with Gusto. In order to run payroll, the company may need to complete onboarding or contact support. “Suspended” companies may not run payroll with Gusto. In order to unsuspend their account, the company must contact support.
  • Whether the employee deduction reduces taxable income or not. Only valid for Group Term Life benefits. Note: when the value is not “unset”, coverage amount and coverage salary multiplier are ignored.
  • The tax payer type of the company.
  • The FLSA status for this compensation. Salaried (‘Exempt’) employees are paid a fixed salary every pay period. Salaried with overtime (‘Salaried Nonexempt’) employees are paid a fixed salary every pay period, and receive overtime pay when applicable. Hourly (‘Nonexempt’) employees are paid for the hours they work, and receive overtime pay when applicable. Owners (‘Owner’) are employees that own at least twenty percent of the company.
  • Must be “Employee” if send_offer is set to true.
  • The payment method.
  • The unit accompanying the compensation rate. If the employee is an owner, rate should be ‘Paycheck’.
  • The employee’s compensation payment method. This value is only available for processed payrolls.
  • The type of time off request.
  • The status of the time off request.
  • The Gusto product tier of the company.
  • The contractor’s type, either “Individual” or “Business”.
  • The verification status of the bank account.
  • The contractor’s wage type, either “Fixed” or “Hourly”.