
  • A GumbelTopBucket is a bucket that can be used to draw from a discrete distribution, similar to a softmax. The difference is that the GumbelTopBucket uses a Gumbel distribution to add noise to the scores, and then draws from the noisy scores. This is useful for performant sampling, as it does not require the re-calculation of the softmax for each draw. The particular feature of this bucket is that it will never draw the same index twice, even if the scores are the same. This is useful for sampling without replacement. It is important to note that this comes at a memory cost, as we have to store a whole vector of noisy scores, on top of the original scores.


  • This trait is needed for the GumbelTopBucket to work with multiple score types. It is implemented for f32 and f64, but can be implemented for other types as well, as long as they have a way to add a f64 to themselves. It is reccomended to implement the float_add function using the #[inline] attribute, as it is called for each score in the bucket.