Function grpcio_sys::grpc_server_request_call[][src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn grpc_server_request_call(
    server: *mut grpc_server,
    call: *mut *mut grpc_call,
    details: *mut grpc_call_details,
    request_metadata: *mut grpc_metadata_array,
    cq_bound_to_call: *mut grpc_completion_queue,
    cq_for_notification: *mut grpc_completion_queue,
    tag_new: *mut c_void
) -> grpc_call_error

Request notification of a new call. Once a call is received, a notification tagged with \a tag_new is added to \a cq_for_notification. \a call, \a details and \a request_metadata are updated with the appropriate call information. \a cq_bound_to_call is bound to \a call, and batch operation notifications for that call will be posted to \a cq_bound_to_call. Note that \a cq_for_notification must have been registered to the server via \a grpc_server_register_completion_queue.