Module secp256k1zkp::ffi

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FFI bindings

Direct bindings to the underlying C library functions. These should not be needed for most users.


Secp256k1 aggsig context. As above, needs to be destroyed with secp256k1_aggsig_context_destroy
Library-internal representation of a Secp256k1 aggsig partial signature
Secp256k1 bulletproof generators
A Secp256k1 context, containing various precomputed values and such needed to do elliptic curve computations. If you create one of these with secp256k1_context_create you MUST destroy it with secp256k1_context_destroy, or else you will have a memory leak.
Library-internal representation of a Secp256k1 public key
Library-internal representation of a Secp256k1 signature + recovery ID
Secp256k1 scratch space
Library-internal representation of an ECDH shared secret
Library-internal representation of a Secp256k1 signature


Flag for keys to indicate compressed serialization format
Flag for keys to indicate uncompressed serialization format
Flag for context to enable no precomputation
Flag for context to enable signing precomputation
Flag for context to enable verification precomputation



Type Definitions

A nonce generation function. Ordinary users of the library never need to see this type; only if you need to control nonce generation do you need to use it. I have deliberately made this hard to do: you have to write your own wrapper around the FFI functions to use it. And it’s an unsafe type. Nonces are generated deterministically by RFC6979 by default; there should be no need to ever change this.