Module grin_core::core::block

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Blocks and blockheaders


  • A block as expressed in the Mimblewimble protocol. The reward is non-explicit, assumed to be deducible from block height (similar to bitcoin’s schedule) and expressed as a global transaction fee (added v.H), additive to the total of fees ever collected.
  • Block header, fairly standard compared to other blockchains.
  • Header entry for storing in the header MMR. Note: we hash the block header itself and maintain the hash in the entry. This allows us to lookup the original header from the db as necessary.
  • Some type safety around header versioning.
  • Block which does lightweight validation as part of deserialization, it supposed to be used when we can’t trust the channel (eg network)
  • Block header which does lightweight validation as part of deserialization, it supposed to be used when we can’t trust the channel (eg network)


  • Errors thrown by Block validation