Module gridly::prelude

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The gridly prelude includes all traits and common structs.

Note that the prelude does not include the single-character shorthand functions, so as not to pollute your namespace with single-character identifiers on a bulk import.


  • pub use crate::direction::Down;
  • pub use crate::direction::Left;
  • pub use crate::direction::Right;
  • pub use crate::direction::Up;
  • pub use crate::rotation::Anticlockwise;
  • pub use crate::rotation::Clockwise;



  • An out-of-bounds error for a Location on a grid
  • The four cardinal directions: Up, Down, Left, and Right. Direction implements a number of simple helper methods. It also implements VectorLike, which allows it to be used in contexts where a Vector can be used as a unit vector in the given direction (for example, with Vector arithmetic).
  • The 4 cardinal rotations: None (no rotation), Flip, Clockwise, and Anticlockwise. These rotations support basic arithmetic operations with themselves (sums, multiplication by a factor, etc) and can be applied to Direction and Vector.


  • This array contains unit vectors associated with the 4 diagonal directions. It is intended to allow for easy iteration over diagonally adjacent locations. The order of the vectors is unspecified and should not be relied upon.
  • This array contains each direction; it is intended to allow for easy iteration over adjacent locations. The order of the directions is left unspecified and should not be relied upon.
  • This array contains unit vectors associated with the 4 orthogonally adjacent directions. It is intended to allow for easy iteration over orthogonally adjacent locations. The order of the vectors is unspecified and should not be relied upon.
  • This array contains unit vectors associated with the 8 adjacent directions. It is intended to allow for easy iteration over all locations that touch a center location (for instance, when scanning adjacencies in an implementation of Conway’s Game of Life). The order of the vectors is unspecified and should not be relied upon.


  • Base Reader trait for grids. This trait provides the grid’s cell type, Item, and an unsafe getter method for fetching a cell at a bounds-checked location. It uses this unsafe getter, plus GridBounds based bounds-checking, to provide a comprehensive and safe interface for reading and iterating over elements in a grid.
  • Grid trait implementing grid sizes and boundary checking.
  • Setter trait for grids. Allows setting and replacing elements in the grid. Implementors should implement the unsafe setter and replacer methods. This trait then provides implementations of safe, bounds-checked setters.
  • A component of a Location, which may be either a Row or a Column. It is effectively an index into a given row or column of a grid; for instance, a Row can index a row in a grid.
  • This trait covers structs that act like a Location, such as tuples. See the Location documentation for more details.
  • A Rows or Columns component of a Vector
  • VectorLike is implemented for types that can be used as a vector. They can participate in vector arithmetic, comparison, and other vector oprations.

Type Aliases