Crate graphrs

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graphrs is a Rust package for the creation, manipulation and analysis of graphs.

It allows graphs to be created with support for:

  • directed and undirected edges
  • multiple edges between two nodes
  • self-loops

§Major structs

§Example: create a graph

use graphrs::{Edge, Graph, GraphSpecs, Node};

let nodes = vec![

let edges = vec![
    Edge::with_weight("n1", "n2", 1.0),
    Edge::with_weight("n2", "n1", 2.0),
    Edge::with_weight("n1", "n3", 3.0),
    Edge::with_weight("n2", "n3", 3.0),

let specs = GraphSpecs::directed(); // change this to `::undirected()` to get an undirected graph

let graph = Graph::<&str, ()>::new_from_nodes_and_edges(

§Example: create a graph from just edges

use graphrs::{Edge, Graph, GraphSpecs, Node};

let mut graph = Graph::<&str, ()>::new(GraphSpecs::directed_create_missing());
    Edge::with_weight("n1", "n2", 1.0),
    Edge::with_weight("n2", "n1", 2.0),
    Edge::with_weight("n1", "n3", 3.0),
    Edge::with_weight("n2", "n3", 3.0),

§Example: create a graph with nodes that have attributes

use graphrs::{Edge, Graph, GraphSpecs, Node};

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct NodeAttribute<'a> {
    first_name: &'a str,
    last_name: &'a str,

let mut graph: Graph<i32, NodeAttribute> = Graph::new(GraphSpecs::undirected());
graph.add_node(Node {
    name: 1,
    attributes: Some(NodeAttribute {first_name: "Jane", last_name: "Smith"})




  • Represents a graph edge as (u, v).
  • If errors occur when creating or processing a Graph this Error struct will be returned.
  • The Graph struct represents a graph of nodes and vertices. It allows graphs to be created with support for:
  • Specifications for the type of Graph being created and how various situations involving the addition of nodes and edges are handled.
  • Represents a graph node, with name and attributes.
