Macro graphene::custom_graph [] [src]

macro_rules! custom_graph {
	} => { ... };
		$base_graph:ident<$V:ident, $W:ident>
	} => { ... };
		$con_graph:ident,$base_graph:ident<$V:ident, $W:ident> >>
	} => { ... };
		struct $graph_name:ident
		where $base_graph:ident
	} => { ... };
		struct $graph_name:ident
		where $base_graph:ident
		use $($con_graph:ident),*
	} => { ... };
		struct $graph_name:ident
		where $base_graph:ident
		impl $($con_trait:ident),*
		use $($con_graph:ident),*
	} => { ... };

A macro for defining a custom graph with a specific set of constraints.

The resulting graph is generic over vertices and weights (<V,W>) and implement GraphWrapper and the constraints given.


struct <graph name>
where <name of type implementing ConstrainedGraph>
impl (<constraint>),*
use (<GraphWrapper to use to uphold the constraint, i.e. will wrap the ConstrainedGraph>),*

The 'impl' and 'use' clauses are optional.