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Equivalence predicate that can handle cyclic, shared, and very-deep graphs. Implements the algorithm described in the paper Efficient Nondestructive Equality Checking for Trees and Graphs. Has enhancements to support recursion without using the call-stack to support graphs with great depth and to support multi-way comparison to support giving an ordering to graphs.


With Rust, it is common to #[derive(PartialEq)] for types so that values can be compared. However, such derived implementations cannot handle cyclic nor very-deep inputs and will cause stack overflows when given them, and will execute inefficiently when given inputs that have much shared structure.

This crate provides functions that are safe and efficient for general shapes of graphs, that can be used as PartialEq implementations.


use graph_safe_compare::{robust::equiv, Node, utils::RefId};

enum My {
    Leaf {
        val: i32,
    Branch {
        left: Box<Self>,
        right: Box<Self>,

impl PartialEq for My {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        equiv(self, other)

impl Node for &My {
    type Cmp = bool;
    type Id = RefId<Self>;
    type Index = usize;

    fn id(&self) -> Self::Id {

    fn amount_edges(&self) -> Self::Index {
        match self {
            My::Leaf { .. } => 0,
            My::Branch { .. } => 2,

    fn get_edge(&self, index: &Self::Index) -> Self {
        match (self, index) {
            (My::Branch { left, .. }, 0) => left,
            (My::Branch { right, .. }, 1) => right,
            _ => unreachable!(),

    fn equiv_modulo_edges(&self, other: &Self) -> Self::Cmp {
        match (self, other) {
            (My::Leaf { val: v1 }, My::Leaf { val: v2 }) => v1 == v2,
            (My::Branch { .. }, My::Branch { .. }) => true,
            _ => false,

let a = Box::new(My::Branch {
    left: Box::new(My::Leaf { val: 1 }),
    right: Box::new(My::Leaf { val: 2 }),
let b = Box::new(My::Branch {
    left: Box::new(My::Leaf { val: 1 }),
    right: Box::new(My::Leaf { val: 2 }),
assert!(a == b);


  • No unsafe code.

  • No panics.

  • Very minimal dependencies.

  • Organized into modules that provide variations of the algorithm for different possible shapes of graphs. Applications with graph shapes that are limited can benefit from using a variation that only supports what is needed and avoids the overhead that other variations involve. E.g. when only shallow cyclic shapes are possible, the functions provided by the cycle_safe module are sufficient, or e.g. when only acyclic deep shapes are possible, the deep_safe module is sufficient, or e.g. when deep cyclic shapes are possible then the robust module can be used.

  • A generic module exposes the generic API (which the other modules build on) that enables customizing the parameters (both types and constants) of the algorithm to make custom variations.

  • The generic API supports fallible Results with custom error types, which can be used to achieve custom limiting, e.g. of memory-usage or execution-time.

no_std support

While the support for cyclic and deep graphs requires dynamic memory allocations internally, this can be provided without the std or alloc crates. The generic API of this crate is designed for custom provision of the needed dynamic data structures. When built without its "std" feature, this crate is no_std.


The source-code has many doc comments, which are rendered as the API documentation.

View online at: http://docs.rs/graph_safe_compare

Or, you can generate them yourself and view locally by doing:

cargo doc --open


There are unit tests and integration tests, which can be run by doing:

cargo test --workspace

The ignored tests can be run to demonstrate the limitations of variations that do not support some shapes, and are expected to either cause stack overflow crashes or to take a very long time.

There is a package that tests using the crate as no_std, which can be run by doing:

cd test_no_std
cargo build --features graph_safe_compare/wyrng


There are benchmarks of the variations, that use a node type with very little overhead, which can be run by doing:

cargo +nightly bench --profile bench-max-optim


Items that are not safe for cyclic, degenerate, nor very-deep graphs.

Items that are safe for cyclic and degenerate graphs, but not, by themselves, for very-deep graphs.

Items that are safe for very-deep graphs, but not, by themselves, for cyclic nor degenerate graphs.

Items that require choosing specific instantiations, which allows customizability beyond the premade functions of the other modules. Can be used to achieve cycle-safety and/or deep-safety.

Items that are safe for cyclic, degenerate, and very-deep graphs.

Miscellaneous utilities that are sometimes useful.

Items that are safe for very-wide graphs, but not, by themselves, for cyclic nor degenerate graphs.


Represents comparison of nodes.

What the algorithm requires from a type, to be applied to it.