[][src]Trait grammers_tl_types::RemoteCall

pub trait RemoteCall: Serializable {
    type Return: Deserializable;

Structures implementing this trait indicate that they are suitable for use to perform Remote Procedure Calls (RPC), and know what the type of the response will be.

Associated Types

type Return: Deserializable

The type of the "return" value coming from the other end of the connection.

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impl RemoteCall for ChangePhone[src]

type Return = User

impl RemoteCall for CreateTheme[src]

type Return = Theme

impl RemoteCall for GetAccountTtl[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetAllSecureValues[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetAuthorizationForm[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetAuthorizations[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetAutoDownloadSettings[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetContentSettings[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetMultiWallPapers[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetNotifyExceptions[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetNotifySettings[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetPassword[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetPasswordSettings[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetPrivacy[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetSecureValue[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetTheme[src]

type Return = Theme

impl RemoteCall for GetThemes[src]

type Return = Themes

impl RemoteCall for GetTmpPassword[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetWallPaper[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetWallPapers[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetWebAuthorizations[src]

impl RemoteCall for InitTakeoutSession[src]

impl RemoteCall for SaveSecureValue[src]

impl RemoteCall for SendChangePhoneCode[src]

impl RemoteCall for SendConfirmPhoneCode[src]

impl RemoteCall for SendVerifyEmailCode[src]

impl RemoteCall for SendVerifyPhoneCode[src]

impl RemoteCall for SetPrivacy[src]

impl RemoteCall for UpdateProfile[src]

type Return = User

impl RemoteCall for UpdateTheme[src]

type Return = Theme

impl RemoteCall for UpdateUsername[src]

type Return = User

impl RemoteCall for UploadTheme[src]

impl RemoteCall for UploadWallPaper[src]

impl RemoteCall for AcceptLoginToken[src]

impl RemoteCall for CheckPassword[src]

impl RemoteCall for ExportAuthorization[src]

impl RemoteCall for ExportLoginToken[src]

impl RemoteCall for ImportAuthorization[src]

impl RemoteCall for ImportBotAuthorization[src]

impl RemoteCall for ImportLoginToken[src]

impl RemoteCall for RecoverPassword[src]

impl RemoteCall for RequestPasswordRecovery[src]

impl RemoteCall for ResendCode[src]

impl RemoteCall for SendCode[src]

impl RemoteCall for SignIn[src]

impl RemoteCall for SignUp[src]

impl RemoteCall for SendCustomRequest[src]

impl RemoteCall for CreateChannel[src]

impl RemoteCall for DeleteChannel[src]

impl RemoteCall for grammers_tl_types::functions::channels::DeleteMessages[src]

impl RemoteCall for DeleteUserHistory[src]

impl RemoteCall for EditAdmin[src]

impl RemoteCall for EditBanned[src]

impl RemoteCall for EditCreator[src]

impl RemoteCall for EditPhoto[src]

impl RemoteCall for EditTitle[src]

impl RemoteCall for ExportMessageLink[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetAdminLog[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetAdminedPublicChannels[src]

type Return = Chats

impl RemoteCall for GetChannels[src]

type Return = Chats

impl RemoteCall for GetFullChannel[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetGroupsForDiscussion[src]

type Return = Chats

impl RemoteCall for GetInactiveChannels[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetLeftChannels[src]

type Return = Chats

impl RemoteCall for grammers_tl_types::functions::channels::GetMessages[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetParticipant[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetParticipants[src]

impl RemoteCall for InviteToChannel[src]

impl RemoteCall for JoinChannel[src]

impl RemoteCall for LeaveChannel[src]

impl RemoteCall for TogglePreHistoryHidden[src]

impl RemoteCall for ToggleSignatures[src]

impl RemoteCall for ToggleSlowMode[src]

impl RemoteCall for AcceptContact[src]

impl RemoteCall for AddContact[src]

impl RemoteCall for DeleteContacts[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetBlocked[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetContactIds[src]

type Return = Vec<i32>

impl RemoteCall for GetContacts[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetLocated[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetSaved[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetStatuses[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetTopPeers[src]

impl RemoteCall for ImportContacts[src]

impl RemoteCall for ResolveUsername[src]

impl RemoteCall for grammers_tl_types::functions::contacts::Search[src]

type Return = Found

impl RemoteCall for DeleteFolder[src]

impl RemoteCall for EditPeerFolders[src]

impl RemoteCall for EditUserInfo[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetAppChangelog[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetAppConfig[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetAppUpdate[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetCdnConfig[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetConfig[src]

type Return = Config

impl RemoteCall for GetDeepLinkInfo[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetInviteText[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetNearestDc[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetPassportConfig[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetPromoData[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetRecentMeUrls[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetSupport[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetSupportName[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetTermsOfServiceUpdate[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetUserInfo[src]

impl RemoteCall for grammers_tl_types::functions::langpack::GetDifference[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetLangPack[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetLanguage[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetLanguages[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetStrings[src]

impl RemoteCall for AcceptEncryption[src]

impl RemoteCall for AcceptUrlAuth[src]

impl RemoteCall for AddChatUser[src]

impl RemoteCall for CheckChatInvite[src]

impl RemoteCall for CreateChat[src]

impl RemoteCall for DeleteChatUser[src]

impl RemoteCall for DeleteHistory[src]

impl RemoteCall for grammers_tl_types::functions::messages::DeleteMessages[src]

impl RemoteCall for DeleteScheduledMessages[src]

impl RemoteCall for EditChatDefaultBannedRights[src]

impl RemoteCall for EditChatPhoto[src]

impl RemoteCall for EditChatTitle[src]

impl RemoteCall for EditMessage[src]

impl RemoteCall for ExportChatInvite[src]

impl RemoteCall for ForwardMessages[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetAllChats[src]

type Return = Chats

impl RemoteCall for GetAllDrafts[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetAllStickers[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetArchivedStickers[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetAttachedStickers[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetBotCallbackAnswer[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetChats[src]

type Return = Chats

impl RemoteCall for GetCommonChats[src]

type Return = Chats

impl RemoteCall for GetDhConfig[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetDialogFilters[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetDialogUnreadMarks[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetDialogs[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetDocumentByHash[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetEmojiKeywords[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetEmojiKeywordsDifference[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetEmojiKeywordsLanguages[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetEmojiUrl[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetFavedStickers[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetFeaturedStickers[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetFullChat[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetGameHighScores[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetHistory[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetInlineBotResults[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetInlineGameHighScores[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetMaskStickers[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetMessageEditData[src]

impl RemoteCall for grammers_tl_types::functions::messages::GetMessages[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetMessagesViews[src]

type Return = Vec<i32>

impl RemoteCall for GetOldFeaturedStickers[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetOnlines[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetPeerDialogs[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetPeerSettings[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetPinnedDialogs[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetPollResults[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetPollVotes[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetRecentLocations[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetRecentStickers[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetSavedGifs[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetScheduledHistory[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetScheduledMessages[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetSearchCounters[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetSplitRanges[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetStatsUrl[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetStickerSet[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetStickers[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetSuggestedDialogFilters[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetUnreadMentions[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetWebPage[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetWebPagePreview[src]

impl RemoteCall for ImportChatInvite[src]

impl RemoteCall for InstallStickerSet[src]

impl RemoteCall for MigrateChat[src]

impl RemoteCall for ReadHistory[src]

impl RemoteCall for ReadMentions[src]

impl RemoteCall for ReadMessageContents[src]

impl RemoteCall for ReceivedMessages[src]

impl RemoteCall for ReceivedQueue[src]

type Return = Vec<i64>

impl RemoteCall for RequestEncryption[src]

impl RemoteCall for RequestUrlAuth[src]

impl RemoteCall for grammers_tl_types::functions::messages::Search[src]

impl RemoteCall for SearchGifs[src]

impl RemoteCall for SearchGlobal[src]

impl RemoteCall for SearchStickerSets[src]

impl RemoteCall for SendEncrypted[src]

impl RemoteCall for SendEncryptedFile[src]

impl RemoteCall for SendEncryptedService[src]

impl RemoteCall for SendInlineBotResult[src]

impl RemoteCall for SendMedia[src]

impl RemoteCall for SendMessage[src]

impl RemoteCall for SendMultiMedia[src]

impl RemoteCall for SendScheduledMessages[src]

impl RemoteCall for SendScreenshotNotification[src]

impl RemoteCall for SendVote[src]

impl RemoteCall for SetGameScore[src]

impl RemoteCall for StartBot[src]

impl RemoteCall for UpdatePinnedMessage[src]

impl RemoteCall for UploadEncryptedFile[src]

impl RemoteCall for UploadMedia[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetBankCardData[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetPaymentForm[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetPaymentReceipt[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetSavedInfo[src]

impl RemoteCall for SendPaymentForm[src]

impl RemoteCall for ValidateRequestedInfo[src]

impl RemoteCall for AcceptCall[src]

impl RemoteCall for ConfirmCall[src]

impl RemoteCall for DiscardCall[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetCallConfig[src]

impl RemoteCall for RequestCall[src]

impl RemoteCall for SetCallRating[src]

impl RemoteCall for DeletePhotos[src]

type Return = Vec<i64>

impl RemoteCall for GetUserPhotos[src]

type Return = Photos

impl RemoteCall for UpdateProfilePhoto[src]

impl RemoteCall for UploadProfilePhoto[src]

type Return = Photo

impl RemoteCall for GetBroadcastStats[src]

impl RemoteCall for LoadAsyncGraph[src]

impl RemoteCall for AddStickerToSet[src]

impl RemoteCall for ChangeStickerPosition[src]

impl RemoteCall for CreateStickerSet[src]

impl RemoteCall for RemoveStickerFromSet[src]

impl RemoteCall for SetStickerSetThumb[src]

impl RemoteCall for InitConnection[src]

type Return = Blob

impl RemoteCall for InvokeAfterMsg[src]

type Return = Blob

impl RemoteCall for InvokeAfterMsgs[src]

type Return = Blob

impl RemoteCall for InvokeWithLayer[src]

type Return = Blob

impl RemoteCall for InvokeWithMessagesRange[src]

type Return = Blob

impl RemoteCall for InvokeWithTakeout[src]

type Return = Blob

impl RemoteCall for InvokeWithoutUpdates[src]

type Return = Blob

impl RemoteCall for GetChannelDifference[src]

impl RemoteCall for grammers_tl_types::functions::updates::GetDifference[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetState[src]

type Return = State

impl RemoteCall for GetCdnFile[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetCdnFileHashes[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetFile[src]

type Return = File

impl RemoteCall for GetFileHashes[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetWebFile[src]

impl RemoteCall for ReuploadCdnFile[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetFullUser[src]

impl RemoteCall for GetUsers[src]

type Return = Vec<User>

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