
  • Type used by inline buttons.
  • Type used by keyboard buttons.


  • An inline button, able to hold some arbitrary binary payload.
  • A keyboard button to request the user’s current geo-location.
  • A keyboard button to request the user’s contact information (including the phone).
  • A keyboard button that will direct the user to create and send a poll when pressed.
  • A keyboard button identical to request_poll, except the poll requested must be a quiz.
  • An inline button to force the user to switch to inline mode (perform inline queries).
  • An inline button identical to switch_inline, except the user will be prompted to select a different chat.
  • A keyboard button in its simplest form.
  • An inline button that when clicked will ask the user if they want to open the specified URL.
  • An inline button that when clicked will open the specified URL in an in-app browser.