[][src]Module gramit::vec

Two, three, and four-dimensional real vectors with f32 components.

This module defines a trait Vector for generic mathematical vectors, as well as three default vector types useful for graphics programming: Vec2, Vec3, and Vec4, vectors in the 2, 3, and 4 dimensional real spaces respectively. To facilitate interfaces with common graphics APIs, all three are represented as contiguous tuples of 32-bit floating point numbers.

The vector types defined here implement a full set of arithmetic operators on both scalars and other vectors:

let v1 = vec2!(1.0, 2.0);
let v2 = vec2!(3.0, 4.0);

// Between a vector and an `f32` scalar, we may:

// Multiply (on either side) to scale the vector:
assert_approx_eq!(2.0 * v1, vec2!(2.0, 4.0));
assert_approx_eq!(v1 * 2.0, vec2!(2.0, 4.0));

// ... or divide by the scalar:
assert_approx_eq!(v1 / 2.0, vec2!(0.5, 1.0));

// Between two vectors, we can perform component-wise arithmetic:
assert_approx_eq!(v1 + v2, vec2!(4.0, 6.0));
assert_approx_eq!(v1 - v2, vec2!(-2.0, -2.0));
assert_approx_eq!(v1 * v2, vec2!(3.0, 8.0));
assert_approx_eq!(v2 / v1, vec2!(3.0, 2.0));

// Arithmetic assignment operations are also defined for mutable vectors:
let mut v1 = vec2!(4.0, 5.0);
let mut v2 = vec2!(6.0, 7.0);

v1 *= 2.0;
assert_approx_eq!(v1, vec2!(8.0, 10.0));

v2 /= 2.0;
assert_approx_eq!(v2, vec2!(3.0, 3.5));

v1 += v2;
assert_approx_eq!(v1, vec2!(11.0, 13.5));

v2 -= v1;
assert_approx_eq!(v2, vec2!(-8.0, -10.0));

v1 *= vec2!(0.5, 10.0);
assert_approx_eq!(v1, vec2!(5.5, 135.0));

v2 /= vec2!(-4.0, 2.0);
assert_approx_eq!(v2, vec2!(2.0, -5.0));

// Similar for `Vec3` and `Vec4`.

Variants of the arithmetic operators are defined for all (sane) combinations of references and moves for their arguments, and all three vector types are Copy. In most cases, it should be uneccessary to explicitly reference or dereference vectors in order to perform arithmetic.

For convenience, gramit defines the macros vec2, vec3, and vec4 for creating new vectors.





Generic vector operations.



A free function version of Vec3::cross.


A free function version of Vector::dot.


A free function version of Vector::length.


A free function version of Vector::unit.


Project one vector onto another.