[][src]Module goose::goose

Helpers and objects for building Goose load tests.

Goose manages load tests with a series of objects:

  • GooseTest a global object that holds all task sets and client states.
  • GooseTaskSet each client is assigned a task set, which is a collection of tasks.
  • GooseTask tasks define one or more web requests and are assigned to task sets.
  • GooseClient a client state responsible for repeatedly running all tasks in the assigned task set.
  • GooseRequest optional statistics collected for each URL/method pair.

Creating Task Sets

A GooseTaskSet is created by passing in a &str to the new function, for example:

    let mut loadtest_tasks = GooseTaskSet::new("LoadtestTasks");

Task Set Weight

A weight can be assigned to a task set, controlling how often it is assigned to client threads. The larger the value of weight, the more it will be assigned to clients. In the following example, FooTasks will be assigned to clients twice as often as Bar tasks. We could have just added a weight of 2 to FooTasks and left the default weight of 1 assigned to BarTasks for the same weighting:

    let mut foo_tasks = GooseTaskSet::new("FooTasks").set_weight(10);
    let mut bar_tasks = GooseTaskSet::new("BarTasks").set_weight(5);

Task Set Host

A default host can be assigned to a task set, which will be used only if the --host CLI option is not set at run-time. For example, this can configure your load test to run against your local development environment by default, allowing the --host option to override host when you want to load test production. You can also assign different hosts to different task sets if this is desirable:


Task Set Wait Time

Wait time is specified as a low-high integer range. Each time a task completes in the task set, the client will pause for a random number of seconds inclusively between the low and high wait times. In the following example, Clients loading foo tasks will sleep 0 to 3 seconds after each task completes, and Clients loading bar tasks will sleep 5 to 10 seconds after each task completes.

    foo_tasks.set_wait_time(0, 3);
    bar_tasks.set_host(5, 10);

Creating Tasks

A GooseTask can be created with or without a name. The name is used when displaying statistics about the load test. For example:

    let mut a_task = GooseTask::new();
    let mut b_task = GooseTask::named("b");

Task Name

A name can also be assigned (or changed) after a task is created, for example:


Task Weight

Individual tasks can be assigned a weight, controlling how often the task runs. The larger the value of weight, the more it will run. In the following example, a_task runs 3 times as often as b_task:


Task Sequence

Tasks can also be configured to run in a sequence. For example, a task with a sequence value of 1 will always run before a task with a sequence value of 2. Weight can be applied to sequenced tasks, so for example a task with a weight of 2 and a sequence of 1 will run two times before a task with a sequence of 2. Task sets can contain tasks with sequence values and without sequence values, and in this case all tasks with a sequence value will run before tasks without a sequence value. In the folllowing example, a_task runs before b_task, which runs before c_task:

    let mut c_task = GooseTask::named("c");

Task Function

All tasks must be associated with a function. Goose will invoke this function each time the task is run.

    // Re-use the same task function.

The same task function can be assigned to multiple tasks and/or multiple task sets, if desired.

Task On Start

Tasks can be flagged to only run when a client first starts. This can be useful if you'd like your load test to use a logged-in user. It is possible to assign sequences and weights to on_start functions if you want to have multiple tasks run at start time, and/or the tasks to run multiple times.


Task On Stop

Tasks can be flagged to only run when a client stops. This can be useful if you'd like your load test to simluate a user logging out when it finishes. It is possible to assign sequences and weights to on_stop functions if you want to have multiple tasks run at stop time, and/or the tasks to run multiple times.


Controlling Clients

When Goose starts, it creates on or more GooseClient, assigning a single GooseTaskSet to each. This client is then used to generate load. Behind the scenes, Goose is leveraging the Reqwest Blocking client to load web pages, and Goose can therefor do anything Reqwest can do.

The most common request types are GET and POST, but HEAD, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE are also fully supported.


A HTTP GET request.



A HTTP POST request.







An individual task within a task set


An individual task set


A global list of all Goose task sets

