Macro googletest::matchers::any

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macro_rules! any {
    ($($matcher:expr),* $(,)?) => { ... };
Expand description

Matches a value which at least one of the given matchers match.

Each argument is a Matcher which matches against the actual value.

For example:

verify_that!("A string", any!(starts_with("A"), ends_with("string")))?; // Passes
verify_that!("A string", any!(starts_with("A"), starts_with("string")))?; // Passes
verify_that!("A string", any!(ends_with("A"), ends_with("string")))?; // Passes
verify_that!("A string", any!(starts_with("An"), ends_with("not a string")))?; // Fails

Using this macro is equivalent to using the or method:

verify_that!(10, gt(9).or(lt(8)))?; // Also passes

Assertion failure messages are not guaranteed to be identical, however.