Crate google_maps

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🗺 An unofficial Google Maps Platform client library for the Rust programming language. This client currently implements the Directions API, Distance Matrix API, Elevation API, Geocoding API, Time Zone API, parts of the Places API, and parts of the Roads API.

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This crate is expected to work well and have the more important Google Maps features implemented. It should work well because serde and, by default, reqwest do most of the heavy lifting!

I created this client library because I needed several Google Maps Platform features for a project that I’m working on. So, I’ve decided to spin my library off into a public crate. This is a very small token of gratitude and an attempt to give back to the Rust community. I hope it saves someone out there some work.

Before You Begin

  • In your project’s Cargo.toml file, under the [dependencies] section:

    • Add google_maps = "3.2". Check for the latest version number.

    • Optionally, add rust_decimal = "1" and rust_decimal_macros = "1" for access to the dec! macro. This macro can be used to define decimal numbers in your program. This is useful for efficiently hard-coding latitudes and longitudes into your code for development and testing.

  • The full documentation is available at

What’s new?

Example Directions API Request

The Directions API is a service that calculates directions between locations. You can search for directions for several modes of transportation, including transit, driving, walking, or cycling.

use google_maps::prelude::*;

let google_maps_client = GoogleMapsClient::new("YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY_HERE");

// Example request:

let directions = google_maps_client.directions(
    // Origin: Canadian Museum of Nature
    Location::Address(String::from("240 McLeod St, Ottawa, ON K2P 2R1")),
    // Destination: Canada Science and Technology Museum
    Location::LatLng(LatLng::try_from_f64(45.403_509, -75.618_904)?),

// Dump entire response:

println!("{:#?}", directions);

Example Distance Matrix API Request

The Distance Matrix API is a service that provides travel distance and time for a matrix of origins and destinations, based on the recommended route between start and end points.

use google_maps::prelude::*;

let google_maps_client = GoogleMapsClient::new("YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY_HERE");

// Example request:

let distance_matrix = google_maps_client.distance_matrix(
    // Origins
        // Microsoft
        Waypoint::Address(String::from("One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052, United States")),
        // Cloudflare
        Waypoint::Address(String::from("101 Townsend St, San Francisco, CA 94107, United States")),
    // Destinations
        // Google
        // Mozilla
        Waypoint::LatLng(LatLng::try_from_dec(dec!(37.387_316), dec!(-122.060_008))?),

// Dump entire response:

println!("{:#?}", distance_matrix);

Example Elevation API Positional Request

The Elevation API provides elevation data for all locations on the surface of the earth, including depth locations on the ocean floor (which return negative values).

use google_maps::prelude::*;

let google_maps_client = GoogleMapsClient::new("YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY_HERE");

// Example request:

let elevation = google_maps_client.elevation()
    // Denver, Colorado, the "Mile High City"
    .for_positional_request(LatLng::try_from_dec(dec!(39.739_154), dec!(-104.984_703))?)

// Dump entire response:

println!("{:#?}", elevation);

// Display all results:

if let Some(results) = &elevation.results {
    for result in results {
        println!("Elevation: {} meters", result.elevation)

Example Geocoding API Request

The Geocoding API is a service that provides geocoding and reverse geocoding of addresses. Geocoding is the process of converting addresses (like a street address) into geographic coordinates (like latitude and longitude), which you can use to place markers on a map, or position the map.

use google_maps::prelude::*;

let google_maps_client = GoogleMapsClient::new("YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY_HERE");

// Example request:

let location = google_maps_client.geocoding()
    .with_address("10 Downing Street London")

// Dump entire response:

println!("{:#?}", location);

// Print latitude & longitude coordinates:

for result in location.results {
    println!("{}", result.geometry.location)

Example Reverse Geocoding API Request

The Geocoding API is a service that provides geocoding and reverse geocoding of addresses. Reverse geocoding is the process of converting geographic coordinates into a human-readable address.

use google_maps::prelude::*;

let google_maps_client = GoogleMapsClient::new("YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY_HERE");

// Example request:

let location = google_maps_client.reverse_geocoding(
    // 10 Downing St, Westminster, London
    LatLng::try_from_dec(dec!(51.503_364), dec!(-0.127_625))?,

// Dump entire response:

println!("{:#?}", location);

// Display all results:

for result in location.results {
            .map(|address_component| address_component.short_name.to_string())
            .join(", ")

Example Time Zone API Request

The Time Zone API provides time offset data for locations on the surface of the earth. You request the time zone information for a specific latitude/longitude pair and date. The API returns the name of that time zone, the time offset from UTC, and the daylight savings offset.

use google_maps::prelude::*;

let google_maps_client = GoogleMapsClient::new("YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY_HERE");

// Example request:

let time_zone = google_maps_client.time_zone(
     // St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague, Czechia
     LatLng::try_from_dec(dec!(50.090_903), dec!(14.400_512))?,
     // The time right now in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)

// Dump entire response:

println!("{:#?}", time_zone);

// Usage example:

println!("Time at your computer: {}", Utc::now().to_rfc2822());

if let Some(time_zone_id) = time_zone.time_zone_id {
        "Time in {}: {}",,

Geolocation API

Google’s Geolocation API seems to be offline. While the online documentation is still available and the API appears configurable through the Google Cloud Platform console, the Geolocation API responds Status code 404 Not Found with an empty body to all requests. This API cannot be implemented until the server responds as expected.

Example Client Settings

The Google Maps client settings can be used to change the request rate and automatic retry parameters.

use google_maps::prelude::*;

let google_maps_client = GoogleMapsClient::new("YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY_HERE")
    // For all Google Maps Platform APIs, the client will limit 2 sucessful
    // requests for every 10 seconds:
    .with_rate(Api::All, 2, std::time::Duration::from_secs(10))
    // Returns the `GoogleMapsClient` struct to the caller. This struct is
    // used to make Google Maps Platform requests.

Feature Flags

It is possible to change the Reqwest features that are in turn used by the Google Maps API client through feature flags. It is also possible to only include desired Google Maps APIs by using Cargo.toml feature flags.

Google Maps API Client feature flags:
  • autocomplete
  • directions
  • distance_matrix
  • elevation
  • geocoding
  • places
  • roads
  • time_zone
  • enable-reqwest (uses reqwest for querying Google Maps API).
  • geo (support for geo crate types)

Note: The Places autocomplete APIs have been put in the autocomplete feature flag. The rest of the Places APIs will be put under the places feature flag.

Reqwest feature flags:
  • native-tls
  • rustls
  • gzip
  • brotli

Feature flag usage example: This example will only include the Google Maps Directions API. Reqwest will secure the connection using the Rustls library, and has brotli compression enabled.

google_maps = {
    version = "3.0",
    default-features = false,
    features = [

Default feature flag configuration: By default, the Google Maps client includes all implemented Google Maps APIs. Reqwest will secure the connection using the system-native TLS (native-tls), and has gzip compression enabled (gzip).

default = [


I would like for you to be successful with your project! If this crate is not working for you, doesn’t work how you think it should, or if you have requests, or suggestions - please report them to me! I’m not always fast at responding but I will respond. Thanks!

To do

  1. Track both requests and request elements for rate limiting.
  2. Make a generic get() function for that can be used by all APIs.
  3. Convert explicit query validation to session types wherever reasonable.
  4. Places API. Only partly implemented. If you would like to have any missing pieces implemented, please contact me.
  5. Roads API. Only partly implemented. If you would like to have any missing pieces implemented, please contact me.


  • The Directions API is a service that calculates directions between locations. You can search for directions for several modes of transportation, including transit, driving, walking, or cycling.
  • The Distance Matrix API is a service that provides travel distance and time for a matrix of origins and destinations, based on the recommended route between start and end points.
  • The Elevation API provides elevation data for all locations on the surface of the earth, including depth locations on the ocean floor (which return negative values).
  • Google Maps Platform API error types and error messages.
  • The Geocoding API is a service that provides geocoding and reverse geocoding of addresses. It can be used to convert a street address to geographic coordinates (latitude & longitude), or vice versa.
  • The Places API is a service that returns information about places. Places are defined within this API as establishments, geographic locations, or prominent points of interest.
  • Put use google_maps::prelude::*; in your code will to get more convenient access to everything you need. If you’re not concerned with name space collisions or conflicts, you can glob import all google_maps structs and enums by using this module.
  • Roads API - Identify the roads a vehicle is traveling along, and get metadata about those roads.
  • The Time Zone API provides time offset data for locations on the surface of the earth. You request the time zone information for a specific latitude/longitude pair and date. The API returns the name of that time zone, the time offset from UTC, and the daylight savings offset.
  • Common types used across several Google Maps API interfaces.


  • Contains the separate components applicable to this address.
  • Contains the recommended viewport for displaying the returned result, specified as two latitude & longitude pairs defining the southwest and northeast corner of the viewport bounding box. Generally the viewport is used to frame a result when displaying it to a user.
  • Contains the geocoded latitude/longitude, recommended viewport for displaying the returned result, the bounding box, and other additional data.
  • Latitude and longitude values must correspond to a valid location on the face of the earth. Latitudes can take any value between -90 and 90 while longitude values can take any value between -180 and 180. If you specify an invalid latitude or longitude value, your request will be rejected as a bad request.


  • Api is used to select an API to configure. For example, the Google Maps Client can be set to have different request rates for Directions and Elevation requests. This enum is used to select which Google Maps API you would like to configure.
  • Country is the national political entity and is typically the highest order type returned by the Geocoder.
  • Errors that may be produced by crate types from implementations and associated functions. For example, type conversions, instantiations, etc.
  • Specifies the language in which to return results.
  • Stores additional data about the specified location.
  • This specifies the types or categories of a place. For example, a returned location could be a “country” (as in a nation) or it could be a “shopping mall.” Also, a requested place could be a “locality” (a city) or a “street_address” This type helps define the data that is being returned or sought. See Place Types for more information.
  • Specifies the region bias.