Expand description

Once you have a place_id from a Place Search, you can request more details about a particular establishment or point of interest by initiating a Place Details request. A Place Details request returns more comprehensive information about the indicated place such as its complete address, phone number, user rating and reviews.


pub use crate::places::error::Error;
pub use crate::places::status::Status;
pub use crate::places::place_details::field::Field;
pub use crate::places::place_details::request::Request;
pub use crate::places::place_details::response::Response;
pub use crate::places::place_details::sort_order::SortOrder;


Contains the Field enum and its associated traits. It specifies the fields in the place details that should be returned. For example, business status, price level, wheelchair accessible, and so on.
Look in this module for documentation on building your Places API Place Autocomplete query. In particular, look at the Request struct for examples of the builder pattern. This module contains the tools (enums, structs, methods) for building your Google Maps Platform request.
Resources (enums, structs) for processing the Places API Place Details response from the Google Maps Platform. Look in here for more information about the data returned from Google’s server and how to parse it with your program.
Contains the SortOrder enum and its associated traits. It is used to specify the sort order of reviews in the place details.