Expand description

The Places API is a service that returns information about places. Places are defined within this API as establishments, geographic locations, or prominent points of interest.

Before you begin

  • Before you begin: Before you start using the Places API, you need a project with a billing account and the Places API enabled. We recommend creating multiple Project Owners and Billing Administrators, so that you’ll always have someone with these roles available to your team. To learn more, see Set up in Cloud Console.

Note: Server-side and client-side libraries

Introducing the API

The following place requests are available:

  • Place Search (Not yet implemented in this client.) returns a list of places based on a user’s location or searchstring.

  • Place Details (Not yet implemented in this client.) returns more detailed information about a specific place, including user reviews.

  • Place Photos (Not yet implemented in this client.) provides access to the millions of place-related photos stored in Google’s Place database.

  • Place Autocomplete automatically fills in the name and/or address of a place as users type.

  • Query Autocomplete provides a query prediction service for text-based geographic searches, returning suggested queries as users type.

The Places API uses a place ID to uniquely identify a place. For details about the format and usage of this identifier across the Places API and other APIs, see the Place IDs documentation.

Policies and Terms

All applications that use the Places API or Place Autocomplete service must adhere to the requirements described in the Places API Policies and the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service. The Places API and Google Place Autocomplete share the usage quota as described in the Places API Usage and Billing documentation.

For quota and pricing information for the Places API and Place Autocomplete service, see the Places API Usage and Billing documentation.


pub use crate::places::place_autocomplete::error::Error as AutocompleteError;
pub use crate::places::place_autocomplete::response::matched_substring::MatchedSubstring;
pub use crate::places::place_autocomplete::response::prediction::Prediction;
pub use crate::places::place_autocomplete::response::Response as AutocompleteResponse;
pub use crate::places::place_autocomplete::response::status::Status as AutocompleteStatus;
pub use crate::places::place_autocomplete::response::structured_format::StructuredFormat;
pub use crate::places::place_autocomplete::response::term::Term;
pub use crate::places::place_autocomplete::request::autocomplete_type::AutocompleteType;
pub use crate::places::place_autocomplete::request::Request as PlaceAutocompleteRequest;
pub use crate::places::place_autocomplete::request::Request as QueryAutocompleteRequest;


The Place Autocomplete service is a web service that returns place predictions. The request specifies a textual search string and optional geographic bounds. The service can be used to provide autocomplete functionality for text-based geographic searches, by returning places such as businesses, addresses and points of interest as a user types.
The Query Autocomplete service is used to provide a query prediction for text-based geographic searches, by returning suggested queries as you type.