Expand description

The Time Zone API provides time offset data for locations on the surface of the earth. You request the time zone information for a specific latitude/longitude pair and date. The API returns the name of that time zone, the time offset from UTC, and the daylight savings offset.

Get Started

Start coding with our client libraries

Client libraries make developing with the Google Maps web service APIs easier by providing simple, native implementations of common tasks, such as authentication, request throttling and automatic retry. The Time Zone API is available in the Java Client, Python Client, Go Client and Node.js Client for Google Maps Services.

Authentication, quotas, pricing, and policies

Activate the API and get an API key

To use the Time Zone API, you must first activate the API in the Google Cloud Maps Platform and obtain the proper authentication credentials. You need to provide an API key in each request (or a client ID if you have a Premium Plan).

Click the button below to flow through a process where you will:

  1. Create or select a project
  2. Enable the API
  3. Get an API key

Get Started

Learn more about authentication credentials.

Quotas and pricing

Review the usage and billing page for details on the quotas and pricing set for the Time Zone API.


Use of the Time Zone API must be in accordance with the API policies.

Learn more

In the Time Zone API, you can also set a language parameter to return results in languages other than the default of English. See the Time Zone API Developer Guide for more examples and other details.

The Time Zone API Developer Guide is intended for website and mobile developers who want to include time data on maps provided by one of the Google Maps Platform APIs. It provides an introduction to using the API and reference material on the available parameters.


pub use crate::time_zone::error::Error as TimeZoneError;
pub use crate::time_zone::request::Request as TimeZoneRequest;
pub use crate::time_zone::response::status::Status as TimeZoneStatus;
pub use crate::time_zone::response::Response as TimeZoneResponse;


Time Zone API error types and error messages.

Look in this module for documentation on building your Time Zone API query. In particular, look at the Request struct for examples of the builder pattern. This module contains the tools (enums, structs, methods) for building your Google Maps Platform request.

Resources (enums, structs) for processing the Time Zone API response from the Google Maps Platform. Look in here for more information about the data returned from Google’s server and how to parse it with your program.