[][src]Module google_maps::prelude

Put use google_maps::prelude::*; in your code will to get more convenient access to everything you need. If you're not concerned with name space collisions or conflicts, you can glob import all google_maps structs and enums by using this module.


pub use crate::directions::request::avoid::Avoid;
pub use crate::directions::request::departure_time::DepartureTime;
pub use crate::directions::request::location::Location;
pub use crate::directions::request::Request as DirectionsRequest;
pub use crate::directions::request::traffic_model::TrafficModel;
pub use crate::directions::request::transit_mode::TransitMode;
pub use crate::directions::request::transit_route_preference::TransitRoutePreference;
pub use crate::directions::request::unit_system::UnitSystem;
pub use crate::directions::request::waypoint::Waypoint;
pub use crate::directions::response::directions_distance::DirectionsDistance;
pub use crate::directions::response::directions_duration::DirectionsDuration;
pub use crate::directions::response::driving_maneuver::DrivingManeuver;
pub use crate::directions::response::leg::Leg;
pub use crate::directions::response::overview_polyline::OverviewPolyline;
pub use crate::directions::response::polyline::Polyline;
pub use crate::directions::response::Response as DirectionsResponse;
pub use crate::directions::response::route::Route;
pub use crate::directions::response::status::Status as DirectionsStatus;
pub use crate::directions::response::step::Step;
pub use crate::directions::response::transit_agency::TransitAgency;
pub use crate::directions::response::transit_currency::TransitCurrency;
pub use crate::directions::response::transit_details::TransitDetails;
pub use crate::directions::response::transit_fare::TransitFare;
pub use crate::directions::response::transit_line::TransitLine;
pub use crate::directions::response::transit_stop::TransitStop;
pub use crate::directions::response::transit_time::TransitTime;
pub use crate::directions::response::transit_vehicle::TransitVehicle;
pub use crate::directions::travel_mode::TravelMode;
pub use crate::directions::vehicle_type::VehicleType;
pub use crate::distance_matrix::request::Request as DistanceMatrixRequest;
pub use crate::distance_matrix::response::Response as DistanceMatrixResponse;
pub use crate::distance_matrix::response::status::Status as DistanceMatrixStatus;
pub use crate::elevation::error::Error as ElevationError;
pub use crate::elevation::request::locations::Locations as ElevationLocations;
pub use crate::elevation::request::Request as ElevationRequest;
pub use crate::elevation::response::point::Point;
pub use crate::elevation::response::Response as ElevationResponse;
pub use crate::elevation::response::status::Status as ElevationStatus;
pub use crate::geocoding::error::Error as GeocodingError;
pub use crate::geocoding::forward::component::Component as GeocodingComponent;
pub use crate::geocoding::forward::ForwardRequest as GeocodingRequest;
pub use crate::geocoding::location_type::LocationType;
pub use crate::geocoding::response::address_component::AddressComponent;
pub use crate::geocoding::response::geocoding::Geocoding;
pub use crate::geocoding::response::geometry::Geometry;
pub use crate::geocoding::response::plus_code::PlusCode;
pub use crate::geocoding::response::Response as GeocodingResponse;
pub use crate::geocoding::response::status::Status as GeocodingStatus;
pub use crate::geocoding::reverse::ReverseRequest as GeocodingReverseRequest;
pub use crate::time_zone::error::Error as TimeZoneError;
pub use crate::time_zone::request::Request as TimeZoneRequest;
pub use crate::time_zone::response::Response as TimeZoneResponse;
pub use crate::time_zone::response::status::Status as TimeZoneStatus;





Contains the recommended viewport for displaying the returned result, specified as two latitude & longitude values defining the southwest and northeast corner of the viewport bounding box. Generally the viewport is used to frame a result when displaying it to a user.


Use the ClientSettings struct's implemented methods to set your Google API key and other settings such as: rate limiting, maxium retries, & retry delay times for your requests.


ISO 8601 combined date and time with time zone.


Decimal represents a 128 bit representation of a fixed-precision decimal number. The finite set of values of type Decimal are of the form m / 10e, where m is an integer such that -296 < m < 296, and e is an integer between 0 and 28 inclusive.


ISO 8601 time duration with nanosecond precision. This also allows for the negative duration; see individual methods for details.


Latitude and longitude values must correspond to a valid location on the face of the earth. Latitudes can take any value between -90 and 90 while longitude values can take any value between -180 and 180. If you specify an invalid latitude or longitude value, your request will be rejected as a bad request.


The local timescale. This is implemented via the standard time crate.


ISO 8601 calendar date without timezone. Allows for every proleptic Gregorian date from Jan 1, 262145 BCE to Dec 31, 262143 CE. Also supports the conversion from ISO 8601 ordinal and week date.


ISO 8601 combined date and time without timezone.


The UTC time zone. This is the most efficient time zone when you don't need the local time. It is also used as an offset (which is also a dummy type).



Api is used to select an API to configure. For example, the Google Maps Client can be set to have different request rates for Directions and Elevation requests. This enum is used to select which Google Maps API you would like to configure.


Specifies the language in which to return results.


This specifies the types or categories of a place. For example, a returned location could be a "country" (as in a nation) or it could be a "shopping mall." Also, a requested place could be a "locality" (a city) or a "street_address" This type helps define the data that is being returned or sought. See Place Types for more information.


Specifies the region bias.
