
An entry for an Access Control list.
An Admin API warning message.
Database instance backup configuration.
Backup context.
We currently only support backup retention by specifying the number of backups we will retain.
A BackupRun resource.
Deletes the backup taken by a backup run.
Retrieves a resource containing information about a backup run.
Creates a new backup run on demand.
Lists all backup runs associated with the project or a given instance and configuration in the reverse chronological order of the backup initiation time.
A builder providing access to all methods supported on backupRun resources. It is not used directly, but through the SQLAdmin hub.
Backup run list results.
Binary log coordinates.
Database instance clone context.
Generates a short-lived X509 certificate containing the provided public key and signed by a private key specific to the target instance. Users may use the certificate to authenticate as themselves when connecting to the database.
Retrieves connect settings about a Cloud SQL instance.
A builder providing access to all methods supported on connect resources. It is not used directly, but through the SQLAdmin hub.
Connect settings retrieval response.
Represents a SQL database on the Cloud SQL instance.
Deletes a database from a Cloud SQL instance.
Database flags for Cloud SQL instances.
Retrieves a resource containing information about a database inside a Cloud SQL instance.
Inserts a resource containing information about a database inside a Cloud SQL instance.
A Cloud SQL instance resource.
The name and status of the failover replica.
Lists databases in the specified Cloud SQL instance.
A builder providing access to all methods supported on database resources. It is not used directly, but through the SQLAdmin hub.
Partially updates a resource containing information about a database inside a Cloud SQL instance. This method supports patch semantics.
Updates a resource containing information about a database inside a Cloud SQL instance.
Database list response.
Read-replica configuration for connecting to the on-premises primary instance.
Database instance demote primary instance context.
Read-replica configuration specific to MySQL databases.
Deny Maintenance Periods. This specifies a date range during when all CSA rollout will be denied.
Disk encryption configuration for an instance.
Disk encryption status for an instance.
Database instance export context.
Options for exporting BAK files (SQL Server-only)
Options for exporting data as CSV. MySQL and PostgreSQL instances only.
Options for exporting data as SQL statements.
Options for exporting from MySQL.
Database instance failover context.
A flag resource.
Lists all available database flags for Cloud SQL instances.
A builder providing access to all methods supported on flag resources. It is not used directly, but through the SQLAdmin hub.
Flags list response.
Ephemeral certificate creation request.
Ephemeral certificate creation request.
Database instance import context.
Import parameters specific to SQL Server .BAK files
There is no detailed description.
Options for importing data as CSV.
Insights configuration. This specifies when Cloud SQL Insights feature is enabled and optional configuration.
Add a new trusted Certificate Authority (CA) version for the specified instance. Required to prepare for a certificate rotation. If a CA version was previously added but never used in a certificate rotation, this operation replaces that version. There cannot be more than one CA version waiting to be rotated in.
Creates a Cloud SQL instance as a clone of the source instance. Using this operation might cause your instance to restart.
Deletes a Cloud SQL instance.
Demotes the stand-alone instance to be a Cloud SQL read replica for an external database server.
Exports data from a Cloud SQL instance to a Cloud Storage bucket as a SQL dump or CSV file.
Initiates a manual failover of a high availability (HA) primary instance to a standby instance, which becomes the primary instance. Users are then rerouted to the new primary. For more information, see the Overview of high availability page in the Cloud SQL documentation. If using Legacy HA (MySQL only), this causes the instance to failover to its failover replica instance.
Retrieves a resource containing information about a Cloud SQL instance.
Imports data into a Cloud SQL instance from a SQL dump or CSV file in Cloud Storage.
Creates a new Cloud SQL instance.
Lists instances under a given project.
Lists all of the trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs) for the specified instance. There can be up to three CAs listed: the CA that was used to sign the certificate that is currently in use, a CA that has been added but not yet used to sign a certificate, and a CA used to sign a certificate that has previously rotated out.
A builder providing access to all methods supported on instance resources. It is not used directly, but through the SQLAdmin hub.
Partially updates settings of a Cloud SQL instance by merging the request with the current configuration. This method supports patch semantics.
Promotes the read replica instance to be a stand-alone Cloud SQL instance. Using this operation might cause your instance to restart.
Reference to another Cloud SQL instance.
Deletes all client certificates and generates a new server SSL certificate for the instance.
Restarts a Cloud SQL instance.
Restores a backup of a Cloud SQL instance. Using this operation might cause your instance to restart.
Rotates the server certificate to one signed by the Certificate Authority (CA) version previously added with the addServerCA method.
Starts the replication in the read replica instance.
Stops the replication in the read replica instance.
Truncate MySQL general and slow query log tables MySQL only.
Updates settings of a Cloud SQL instance. Using this operation might cause your instance to restart.
Database instance clone request.
Database demote primary instance request.
Database instance export request.
Instance failover request.
Database instance import request.
Database instances list response.
Instances ListServerCas response.
Database instance restore backup request.
Rotate Server CA request.
Instance truncate log request.
IP Management configuration.
Database instance IP Mapping.
Preferred location. This specifies where a Cloud SQL instance is located. Note that if the preferred location is not available, the instance will be located as close as possible within the region. Only one location may be specified.
Maintenance window. This specifies when a Cloud SQL instance is restarted for system maintenance purposes.
Read-replica configuration specific to MySQL databases.
MySQL-specific external server sync settings.
On-premises instance configuration.
An Operation resource. For successful operations that return an Operation resource, only the fields relevant to the operation are populated in the resource.
Database instance operation error.
Database instance operation errors list wrapper.
Retrieves an instance operation that has been performed on an instance.
Lists all instance operations that have been performed on the given Cloud SQL instance in the reverse chronological order of the start time.
A builder providing access to all methods supported on operation resources. It is not used directly, but through the SQLAdmin hub.
Operations list response.
Read-only password status.
Database instance local user password validation policy
Reschedules the maintenance on the given instance.
Start External primary instance migration.
Verify External primary instance external sync settings.
A builder providing access to all methods supported on project resources. It is not used directly, but through the SQLAdmin hub.
Read-replica configuration for connecting to the primary instance.
There is no detailed description.
Database instance restore from backup context. Backup context contains source instance id and project id.
Instance rotate server CA context.
Central instance to access all SQLAdmin related resource activities
Database instance settings.
Active Directory configuration, relevant only for Cloud SQL for SQL Server.
External primary instance migration setting error/warning.
Reschedule options for maintenance windows.
There is no detailed description.
There is no detailed description.
Instance verify external sync settings response.
This message wraps up the information written by out-of-disk detection job.
Any scheduled maintenance for this instance.
SQL Server specific audit configuration.
Represents a Sql Server database on the Cloud SQL instance.
Represents a Sql Server user on the Cloud SQL instance.
SslCerts Resource
Generates a short-lived X509 certificate containing the provided public key and signed by a private key specific to the target instance. Users may use the certificate to authenticate as themselves when connecting to the database.
Deletes the SSL certificate. For First Generation instances, the certificate remains valid until the instance is restarted.
Retrieves a particular SSL certificate. Does not include the private key (required for usage). The private key must be saved from the response to initial creation.
Creates an SSL certificate and returns it along with the private key and server certificate authority. The new certificate will not be usable until the instance is restarted.
Lists all of the current SSL certificates for the instance.
A builder providing access to all methods supported on sslCert resources. It is not used directly, but through the SQLAdmin hub.
SslCerts create ephemeral certificate request.
SslCerts insert request.
SslCert insert response.
SslCerts list response.
Initial sync flags for certain Cloud SQL APIs. Currently used for the MySQL external server initial dump.
A Google Cloud SQL service tier resource.
Lists all available machine types (tiers) for Cloud SQL, for example, db-custom-1-3840. For related information, see Pricing.
A builder providing access to all methods supported on tier resources. It is not used directly, but through the SQLAdmin hub.
Tiers list response.
Database Instance truncate log context.
A Cloud SQL user resource.
Deletes a user from a Cloud SQL instance.
Retrieves a resource containing information about a user.
Creates a new user in a Cloud SQL instance.
Lists users in the specified Cloud SQL instance.
A builder providing access to all methods supported on user resources. It is not used directly, but through the SQLAdmin hub.
User level password validation policy.
Updates an existing user in a Cloud SQL instance.
User list response.


Identifies the an OAuth2 authorization scope. A scope is needed when requesting an authorization token.