
  • A request to activate a pretargeting configuration. Sets the configuration’s state to ACTIVE.
  • The list of detected Ad Technology Providers for this creative. Bids placed for inventory that will serve to EEA or UK users are expected to comply with GDPR requirements. You must ensure that the creatives used in such bids should contain only user consented ad technology providers as indicated in the bid request. Google reserves the right to filter non-compliant bids. User consented ad technology providers can be found in the Google Protocol with the BidRequest.adslot.consented_providers_settings field, and can be found as an OpenRTB extension with the BidRequest.user.ext.consented_providers_settings and BidRequest.user.ext.consent fields. See for additional information about the Google TCF v2 integration.
  • A request to start targeting the provided app IDs in a specific pretargeting configuration. The pretargeting configuration itself specifies how these apps are targeted. in PretargetingConfig.appTargeting.mobileAppTargeting.
  • A request to start targeting the provided publishers in a specific pretargeting configuration. The pretargeting configuration itself specifies how these publishers are targeted in PretargetingConfig.publisherTargeting.
  • A request to start targeting the provided sites in a specific pretargeting configuration. The pretargeting configuration itself specifies how these sites are targeted in PretargetingConfig.webTargeting.
  • Detected advertiser and brand information.
  • A subset of app inventory to target. Bid requests that match criteria in at least one of the specified dimensions will be sent.
  • A request to approve a batch of publisher connections.
  • A response for the request to approve a batch of publisher connections.
  • A request to reject a batch of publisher connections.
  • A response for the request to reject a batch of publisher connections.
  • Bidder settings.
  • Lists creatives as they are at the time of the initial request. This call may take multiple hours to complete. For large, paginated requests, this method returns a snapshot of creatives at the time of request for the first page. lastStatusUpdate and creativeServingDecision may be outdated for creatives on sequential pages. We recommend Google Cloud Pub/Sub to view the latest status.
  • Watches all creatives pertaining to a bidder. It is sufficient to invoke this endpoint once per bidder. A Pub/Sub topic will be created and notifications will be pushed to the topic when any of the bidder’s creatives change status. All of the bidder’s service accounts will have access to read from the topic. Subsequent invocations of this method will return the existing Pub/Sub configuration.
  • Gets a bidder endpoint by its name.
  • Lists all the bidder’s endpoints.
  • Updates a bidder’s endpoint.
  • Gets a bidder account by its name.
  • Lists all the bidder accounts that belong to the caller.
  • A builder providing access to all methods supported on bidder resources. It is not used directly, but through the RealTimeBidding hub.
  • Activates a pretargeting configuration.
  • Adds targeted apps to the pretargeting configuration.
  • Adds targeted publishers to the pretargeting config.
  • Adds targeted sites to the pretargeting configuration.
  • Creates a pretargeting configuration. A pretargeting configuration’s state (PretargetingConfig.state) is active upon creation, and it will start to affect traffic shortly after. A bidder may create a maximum of 10 pretargeting configurations. Attempts to exceed this maximum results in a 400 bad request error.
  • Deletes a pretargeting configuration.
  • Gets a pretargeting configuration.
  • Lists all pretargeting configurations for a single bidder.
  • Updates a pretargeting configuration.
  • Removes targeted apps from the pretargeting configuration.
  • Removes targeted publishers from the pretargeting config.
  • Removes targeted sites from the pretargeting configuration.
  • Suspends a pretargeting configuration.
  • Batch approves multiple publisher connections.
  • Batch rejects multiple publisher connections.
  • Gets a publisher connection.
  • Lists publisher connections for a given bidder.
  • RTB Buyer account information.
  • Creates a creative.
  • Gets a creative.
  • Lists creatives as they are at the time of the initial request. This call may take multiple hours to complete. For large, paginated requests, this method returns a snapshot of creatives at the time of request for the first page. lastStatusUpdate and creativeServingDecision may be outdated for creatives on sequential pages. We recommend Google Cloud Pub/Sub to view the latest status.
  • Updates a creative.
  • Gets a buyer account by its name.
  • This has been sunset as of October 2023, and will return an error response if called. For more information, see the release notes: Gets remarketing tag for a buyer. A remarketing tag is a piece of JavaScript code that can be placed on a web page. When a user visits a page containing a remarketing tag, Google adds the user to a user list.
  • Lists all buyer account information the calling buyer user or service account is permissioned to manage.
  • A builder providing access to all methods supported on buyer resources. It is not used directly, but through the RealTimeBidding hub.
  • Changes the status of a user list to CLOSED. This prevents new users from being added to the user list.
  • Creates a new user list.
  • Gets a user list by its name.
  • This has been sunset as of October 2023, and will return an error response if called. For more information, see the release notes: Gets remarketing tag for a buyer. A remarketing tag is a piece of JavaScript code that can be placed on a web page. When a user visits a page containing a remarketing tag, Google adds the user to a user list.
  • Lists the user lists visible to the current user.
  • Changes the status of a user list to OPEN. This allows new users to be added to the user list.
  • Updates the given user list. Only user lists with URLRestrictions can be updated.
  • A request to close a specified user list.
  • A creative and its classification data.
  • The dimensions of a creative. This applies to only HTML and Native creatives.
  • Top level status and detected attributes of a creative.
  • Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following: * A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values. * A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary). * A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day. * A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date). Related types: * google.type.TimeOfDay * google.type.DateTime * google.protobuf.Timestamp
  • Evidence that the creative’s destination URL was not crawlable by Google.
  • Evidence of the creative’s destination URL not functioning properly or having been incorrectly set up.
  • The full landing page URL of the destination.
  • Number of HTTP calls made by a creative, broken down by domain.
  • The number of HTTP calls made to the given domain.
  • Total download size and URL-level download size breakdown for resources in a creative.
  • A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request or the response type of an API method. For instance: service Foo { rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); }
  • Bidder endpoint that receives bid requests.
  • This has been sunset as of October 2023, and will return an error response if called. For more information, see the release notes: Response for a request to get remarketing tag.
  • HTML content for a creative.
  • HTTP calls made by a creative that resulted in policy violations.
  • Evidence for HTTP cookie-related policy violations.
  • An image resource. You may provide a larger image than was requested, so long as the aspect ratio is preserved.
  • A response containing bidders.
  • A response containing buyer account information.
  • A response for listing creatives.
  • A response containing bidder endpoints.
  • A response containing pretargeting configurations.
  • A response to a request for listing publisher connections.
  • The list user list response.
  • Information about each media file in the VAST.
  • Native content for a creative.
  • Generic targeting used for targeting dimensions that contain a list of included and excluded numeric IDs used in app, user list, geo, and vertical id targeting.
  • A request to open a specified user list.
  • Policy compliance of the creative for a transaction type or a region.
  • Each policy topic entry will represent a violation of a policy topic for a creative, with the policy topic information and optional evidence for the policy violation.
  • Evidence associated with a policy topic entry.
  • Pretargeting configuration: a set of targeting dimensions applied at the pretargeting stage of the RTB funnel. These control which inventory a bidder will receive bid requests for.
  • An Open Bidding exchange’s connection to a publisher. This is initiated by the publisher for the bidder to review. If approved by the bidder, this means that the bidder agrees to receive bid requests from the publisher.
  • Central instance to access all RealTimeBidding related resource activities
  • A request to stop targeting the provided apps in a specific pretargeting configuration. The pretargeting configuration itself specifies how these apps are targeted. in PretargetingConfig.appTargeting.mobileAppTargeting.
  • A request to stop targeting publishers in a specific configuration. The pretargeting configuration itself specifies how these publishers are targeted in PretargetingConfig.publisherTargeting.
  • A request to stop targeting sites in a specific pretargeting configuration. The pretargeting configuration itself specifies how these sites are targeted in PretargetingConfig.webTargeting.
  • Generic targeting with string values used in app, website and publisher targeting.
  • A request to suspend a pretargeting configuration. Sets the configuration’s state to SUSPENDED.
  • The URL-level breakdown for the download size.
  • Deprecated. This will be removed in October 2023. For more information, see the release notes: Represents the URL restriction (for the URL captured by the pixel callback) for a user list.
  • Represents an Authorized Buyers user list. Authorized Buyers can create/update/list user lists. Once a user list is created in the system, Authorized Buyers can add users to the user list using the bulk uploader API. Alternatively, users can be added by hosting a tag on the advertiser’s page.
  • Video content for a creative.
  • Video metadata for a creative.
  • A request to receive push notifications when any of the creatives belonging to the bidder changes status.
  • A response for the request to receive push notification when a bidder’s creatives change status.
