
  • The entity analysis request message.
  • The entity analysis response message.
  • The sentiment analysis request message.
  • The sentiment analysis response message.
  • The syntax analysis request message.
  • The syntax analysis response message.
  • The request message for the text annotation API, which can perform multiple analysis types (sentiment, entities, and syntax) in one call.
  • The text annotations response message.
  • Central instance to access all CloudNaturalLanguage related resource activities
  • Represents dependency parse tree information for a token.
  • ################################################################ # Represents the input to API methods.
  • Finds named entities (currently proper names and common nouns) in the text along with entity types, salience, mentions for each entity, and other properties.
  • Analyzes the sentiment of the provided text.
  • Analyzes the syntax of the text and provides sentence boundaries and tokenization along with part of speech tags, dependency trees, and other properties.
  • A convenience method that provides all the features that analyzeSentiment, analyzeEntities, and analyzeSyntax provide in one call.
  • A builder providing access to all methods supported on document resources. It is not used directly, but through the CloudNaturalLanguage hub.
  • Represents a phrase in the text that is a known entity, such as a person, an organization, or location. The API associates information, such as salience and mentions, with entities.
  • Represents a mention for an entity in the text. Currently, proper noun mentions are supported.
  • All available features for sentiment, syntax, and semantic analysis. Setting each one to true will enable that specific analysis for the input.
  • Represents part of speech information for a token.
  • Represents a sentence in the input document.
  • Represents the feeling associated with the entire text or entities in the text.
  • Represents an output piece of text.
  • Represents the smallest syntactic building block of the text.
