Module google_coordinate1::api

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Central instance to access all Coordinate related resource activities
Custom field.
Custom field definition.
Retrieves a list of custom field definitions for a team.
Collection of custom field definitions for a team.
A builder providing access to all methods supported on customFieldDef resources. It is not used directly, but through the Coordinate hub.
Collection of custom fields.
Enum Item definition.
A job.
Change to a job. For example assigning the job to a different worker.
Retrieves a job, including all the changes made to the job.
Inserts a new job. Only the state field of the job should be set.
Retrieves jobs created or modified since the given timestamp.
Response from a List Jobs request.
A builder providing access to all methods supported on job resources. It is not used directly, but through the Coordinate hub.
Updates a job. Fields that are set in the job state will be updated. This method supports patch semantics.
Current state of a job.
Updates a job. Fields that are set in the job state will be updated.
Location of a job.
Retrieves a list of locations for a worker.
Response from a List Locations request.
A builder providing access to all methods supported on location resources. It is not used directly, but through the Coordinate hub.
Recorded location of a worker.
Job schedule.
Retrieves the schedule for a job.
A builder providing access to all methods supported on schedule resources. It is not used directly, but through the Coordinate hub.
Replaces the schedule of a job with the provided schedule. This method supports patch semantics.
Replaces the schedule of a job with the provided schedule.
A Coordinate team.
Retrieves a list of teams for a user.
Response from a List Teams request.
A builder providing access to all methods supported on team resources. It is not used directly, but through the Coordinate hub.
Pagination information.
A worker in a Coordinate team.
Retrieves a list of workers in a team.
Response from a List Workers request.
A builder providing access to all methods supported on worker resources. It is not used directly, but through the Coordinate hub.


Identifies the an OAuth2 authorization scope. A scope is needed when requesting an authorization token.