Module google_apigee1::api[][src]



Central instance to access all Apigee related resource activities


Message that represents an arbitrary HTTP body. It should only be used for payload formats that can’t be represented as JSON, such as raw binary or an HTML page. This message can be used both in streaming and non-streaming API methods in the request as well as the response. It can be used as a top-level request field, which is convenient if one wants to extract parameters from either the URL or HTTP template into the request fields and also want access to the raw HTTP body. Example: message GetResourceRequest { // A unique request id. string request_id = 1; // The raw HTTP body is bound to this field. google.api.HttpBody http_body = 2; } service ResourceService { rpc GetResource(GetResourceRequest) returns (google.api.HttpBody); rpc UpdateResource(google.api.HttpBody) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); } Example with streaming methods: service CaldavService { rpc GetCalendar(stream google.api.HttpBody) returns (stream google.api.HttpBody); rpc UpdateCalendar(stream google.api.HttpBody) returns (stream google.api.HttpBody); } Use of this type only changes how the request and response bodies are handled, all other features will continue to work unchanged.


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Get action. For example, “Get” : { “name” : “”, “value” : “default” }


Remove action. For example, “Remove” : { “name” : “”, “success” : true }


Set action. For example, “Set” : { “name” : “”, “success” : true, “value” : “default” }


Request for ActivateNatAddressRequest. Activate the nat address request.


Reference to a certificate or key/certificate pair.


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the Api category resource wrapped with response status, error_code etc.


the Api category resource.


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There is no detailed description.


Metadata describing the API proxy


API proxy revision.


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There is no detailed description.


There is no detailed description.


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Key-value pair to store extra metadata.


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CanaryEvaluation represents the canary analysis between two versions of the runtime that is serving requests.


Labels that can be used to filter Apigee metrics.


X.509 certificate as defined in RFC 5280.


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Version of the API proxy configuration schema. Currently, only 4.0 is supported.


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This encapsulates a metric property of the form sum(message_count) where name is message_count and function is sum


Data collector configuration.


Data collector and its configuration.


The data store defines the connection to export data repository (Cloud Storage, BigQuery), including the credentials used to access the data repository.


Configuration detail for datastore


Date range of the data to export.


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A transaction contains all of the debug information of the entire message flow of an API call processed by the runtime plane. The information is collected and recorded at critical points of the message flow in the runtime apiproxy.


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Response for GenerateDeployChangeReport and GenerateUndeployChangeReport. This report contains any validation failures that would cause the deployment to be rejected, as well changes and conflicts in routing that may occur due to the new deployment. The existence of a routing warning does not necessarily imply that the deployment request is bad, if the desired state of the deployment request is to effect a routing change. The primary purposes of the routing messages are: 1) To inform users of routing changes that may have an effect on traffic currently being routed to other existing deployments. 2) To warn users if some base path in the proxy will not receive traffic due to an existing deployment having already claimed that base path. The presence of routing conflicts/changes will not cause non-dry-run DeployApiProxy/UndeployApiProxy requests to be rejected.


Describes a potential routing change that may occur as a result of some deployment operation.


Describes a routing conflict that may cause a deployment not to receive traffic at some base path.


Tuple representing a base path and the deployment containing it.


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There is no detailed description.


There is no detailed description.


There is no detailed description.


This message type encapsulates a metric grouped by dimension.


Metadata common to many entities in this API.


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EnvironmentGroup configuration. An environment group is used to group one or more Apigee environments under a single host name.


EnvironmentGroupAttachment is a resource which defines an attachment of an environment to an environment group.


EnvironmentGroupConfig is a revisioned snapshot of an EnvironmentGroup and its associated routing rules.


Details of an export job.


Request body for [CreateExportRequest]


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There is no detailed description.


Request for GetSyncAuthorization.


GraphQLOperation represents the pairing of graphQL operation types and the graphQL operation name.


GraphQLOperationConfig binds the resources in a proxy or remote service with the graphQL operation and its associated quota enforcement.


List of graphQL operation configuration details associated with Apigee API proxies or remote services. Remote services are non-Apigee proxies, such as Istio-Envoy.


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Apigee runtime instance.


InstanceAttachment represents the installation of an environment onto an instance.


The status of a deployment as reported by a single instance.


Revisions deployed in the MPs.


Route deployed in the ingress routing table.


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A collection of key, value string pairs


Datastore for Certificates and Aliases.


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the response for ListApiCategoriesRequest.


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The response for ListAsyncQueries.


This message encapsulates a list of custom report definitions


Response for ListDataCollectors.


The response for ListDatastores


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There is no detailed description.


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Response for ListEnvironmentGroupAttachments.


Response for ListEnvironmentGroups.


Response for ListEnvironmentResources


The response for ListExports


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Response for ListInstanceAttachments.


Response for ListInstances.


Response for ListNatAddresses.


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There is no detailed description.


There is no detailed description.


Response for ListTraceConfigOverrides.


This message type encapsulates additional information about query execution.


This message type encapsulates the metric data point. Example: { “name”: “sum(message_count)”, “values” : [ { “timestamp”: 1549004400000, “value”: “39.0” }, { “timestamp” : 1548997200000, “value” : “0.0” } ] } or { “name”: “sum(message_count)”, “values” : [“39.0”] }


Apigee NAT(network address translation) address. A NAT address is a static external IP address used for Internet egress traffic.


Operation represents the pairing of REST resource path and the actions (verbs) allowed on the resource path.


OperationConfig binds the resources in a proxy or remote service with the allowed REST methods and its associated quota enforcement.


List of operation configuration details associated with Apigee API proxies or remote services. Remote services are non-Apigee proxies, such as Istio-Envoy.


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This message type encapsulates a data node as represented below: { “identifier”: { “names”: [ “apiproxy” ], “values”: [ “sirjee” ] }, “metric”: [ { “env”: “prod”, “name”: “sum(message_count)”, “values”: [ 36.0 ] } ] } OR { “env”: “prod”, “name”: “sum(message_count)”, “values”: [ 36.0 ] } Depending on whether a dimension is present in the query or not the data node type can be a simple metric value or dimension identifier with list of metrics.


This message type encapsulates a response format for Js Optimized Scenario.


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Point is a group of information collected by runtime plane at critical points of the message flow of the processed API request. This is a list of supported point IDs, categorized to three major buckets. For each category, debug points that we are currently supporting are listed below: - Flow status debug points: StateChange FlowInfo Condition Execution DebugMask Error - Flow control debug points: FlowCallout Paused Resumed FlowReturn BreakFlow Error - Runtime debug points: ScriptExecutor FlowCalloutStepDefinition CustomTarget StepDefinition Oauth2ServicePoint RaiseFault NodeJS The detail information of the given debug point is stored in a list of results.


Message for compatibility with legacy Edge specification for Java Properties object in JSON.


A single property entry in the Properties message.


Request for ProvisionOrganization.


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There is no detailed description.


More info about Metric:


Quota contains the essential parameters needed that can be applied on a proxy/remote service, resources and methods combination associated with this API product. While setting of Quota is optional, setting it prevents requests from exceeding the provisioned parameters.


A Reference configuration. References must refer to a keystore that also exists in the parent environment.


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Request for ReportInstanceStatus.


Placeholder for future enhancements to status reporting protocol


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There is no detailed description.


Metadata about a resource file.


List of resource files.


The status of a resource loaded in the runtime.


Result is short for “action result”, could be different types identified by “action_result” field. Supported types: 1. DebugInfo : generic debug info collected by runtime recorded as a list of properties. For example, the contents could be virtual host info, state change result, or execution metadata. Required fields : properties, timestamp 2. RequestMessage: information of a http request. Contains headers, request URI and http methods type.Required fields : headers, uri, verb 3. ResponseMessage: information of a http response. Contains headers, reason phrase and http status code. Required fields : headers, reasonPhrase, statusCode 4. ErrorMessage: information of a http error message. Contains detail error message, reason phrase and status code. Required fields : content, headers, reasonPhrase, statusCode 5. VariableAccess: a list of variable access actions, can be Get, Set and Remove. Required fields : accessList


The status of a specific resource revision.


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NEXT ID: 8 RuntimeTraceConfig defines the configurations for distributed trace in an environment.


NEXT ID: 7 Trace configuration override for a specific API proxy in an environment.


NEXT ID: 3 RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig represents the detail settings of distributed tracing. Only the fields that are defined in the distributed trace configuration can be overridden using the distribute trace configuration override APIs.


Response for Schema call


Message type for the schema element


Properties for the schema field.


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Session carries the debug session id and its creation time.


The metadata describing a shared flow


The metadata describing a shared flow revision.


This message type encapsulates a stats response.


This message type encapsulates the environment wrapper: “environments”: [ { “metrics”: [ { “name”: “sum(message_count)”, “values”: [ “2.52056245E8” ] } ], “name”: “prod” } ]


This message type encapsulates the hostname wrapper: “hosts”: [ { “metrics”: [ { “name”: “sum(message_count)”, “values”: [ “2.52056245E8” ] } ], “name”: “” } ]


Pub/Sub subscription of an environment.


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TargetServer configuration. TargetServers are used to decouple a proxy’s TargetEndpoint HTTPTargetConnections from concrete URLs for backend services.


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The response for TestDatastore


TLS configuration information for VirtualHosts and TargetServers.


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There is no detailed description.


TraceConfig defines the configurations in an environment of distributed trace.


A representation of a configuration override.


TraceSamplingConfig represents the detail settings of distributed tracing. Only the fields that are defined in the distributed trace configuration can be overridden using the distribute trace configuration override APIs.


Details on why a resource update failed in the runtime.


Specifies the audit configuration for a service. The configuration determines which permission types are logged, and what identities, if any, are exempted from logging. An AuditConfig must have one or more AuditLogConfigs. If there are AuditConfigs for both allServices and a specific service, the union of the two AuditConfigs is used for that service: the log_types specified in each AuditConfig are enabled, and the exempted_members in each AuditLogConfig are exempted. Example Policy with multiple AuditConfigs: { “audit_configs”: [ { “service”: “allServices”, “audit_log_configs”: [ { “log_type”: “DATA_READ”, “exempted_members”: [ “” ] }, { “log_type”: “DATA_WRITE” }, { “log_type”: “ADMIN_READ” } ] }, { “service”: “”, “audit_log_configs”: [ { “log_type”: “DATA_READ” }, { “log_type”: “DATA_WRITE”, “exempted_members”: [ “” ] } ] } ] } For sampleservice, this policy enables DATA_READ, DATA_WRITE and ADMIN_READ logging. It also exempts from DATA_READ logging, and from DATA_WRITE logging.


Provides the configuration for logging a type of permissions. Example: { “audit_log_configs”: [ { “log_type”: “DATA_READ”, “exempted_members”: [ “” ] }, { “log_type”: “DATA_WRITE” } ] } This enables ‘DATA_READ’ and ‘DATA_WRITE’ logging, while exempting from DATA_READ logging.


Associates members with a role.


An Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy, which specifies access controls for Google Cloud resources. A Policy is a collection of bindings. A binding binds one or more members to a single role. Members can be user accounts, service accounts, Google groups, and domains (such as G Suite). A role is a named list of permissions; each role can be an IAM predefined role or a user-created custom role. For some types of Google Cloud resources, a binding can also specify a condition, which is a logical expression that allows access to a resource only if the expression evaluates to true. A condition can add constraints based on attributes of the request, the resource, or both. To learn which resources support conditions in their IAM policies, see the IAM documentation. JSON example: { “bindings”: [ { “role”: “roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin”, “members”: [ “”, “”, “”, “” ] }, { “role”: “roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer”, “members”: [ “” ], “condition”: { “title”: “expirable access”, “description”: “Does not grant access after Sep 2020”, “expression”: “request.time < timestamp(‘2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z’)”, } } ], “etag”: “BwWWja0YfJA=”, “version”: 3 } YAML example: bindings: - members: - - - - role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin - members: - role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer condition: title: expirable access description: Does not grant access after Sep 2020 expression: request.time < timestamp(‘2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z’) - etag: BwWWja0YfJA= - version: 3 For a description of IAM and its features, see the IAM documentation.


Request message for SetIamPolicy method.


Request message for TestIamPermissions method.


Response message for TestIamPermissions method.


The response message for Operations.ListOperations.


This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.


A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request or the response type of an API method. For instance: service Foo { rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); } The JSON representation for Empty is empty JSON object {}.


Describes what preconditions have failed. For example, if an RPC failed because it required the Terms of Service to be acknowledged, it could list the terms of service violation in the PreconditionFailure message.


A message type used to describe a single precondition failure.


The Status type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by gRPC. Each Status message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the API Design Guide.


Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at Example (Comparison): title: “Summary size limit” description: “Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars” expression: “document.summary.size() < 100” Example (Equality): title: “Requestor is owner” description: “Determines if requestor is the document owner” expression: “document.owner ==” Example (Logic): title: “Public documents” description: “Determine whether the document should be publicly visible” expression: “document.type != ‘private’ && document.type != ‘internal’” Example (Data Manipulation): title: “Notification string” description: “Create a notification string with a timestamp.” expression: “’New message received at ’ + string(document.create_time)” The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information.


Lists hybrid services and its trusted issuers service account ids. This api is authenticated and unauthorized(allow all the users) and used by runtime authn-authz service to query control plane’s issuer service account ids.


A builder providing access to all methods supported on hybrid resources. It is not used directly, but through the Apigee hub.


Create a Datastore for an org


Delete a Datastore from an org.


Get a Datastore


List Datastores


Test if Datastore configuration is correct. This includes checking if credentials provided by customer have required permissions in target destination storage


Update a Datastore


Creates an API proxy. The API proxy created will not be accessible at runtime until it is deployed to an environment. Create a new API proxy by setting the name query parameter to the name of the API proxy. Import an API proxy configuration bundle stored in zip format on your local machine to your organization by doing the following: * Set the name query parameter to the name of the API proxy. * Set the action query parameter to import. * Set the Content-Type header to multipart/form-data. * Pass as a file the name of API proxy configuration bundle stored in zip format on your local machine using the file form field. Note: To validate the API proxy configuration bundle only without importing it, set the action query parameter to validate. When importing an API proxy configuration bundle, if the API proxy does not exist, it will be created. If the API proxy exists, then a new revision is created. Invalid API proxy configurations are rejected, and a list of validation errors is returned to the client.


Deletes an API proxy and all associated endpoints, policies, resources, and revisions. The API proxy must be undeployed before you can delete it.


Lists all deployments of an API proxy.


Gets an API proxy including a list of existing revisions.


Creates a key value map in an api proxy.


Delete a key value map in an api proxy.


Lists the names of all API proxies in an organization. The names returned correspond to the names defined in the configuration files for each API proxy.


Deletes an API proxy revision and all policies, resources, endpoints, and revisions associated with it. The API proxy revision must be undeployed before you can delete it.


Lists all deployments of an API proxy revision.


Gets an API proxy revision. To download the API proxy configuration bundle for the specified revision as a zip file, set the format query parameter to bundle. If you are using curl, specify -o to save the output to a file; otherwise, it displays to stdout. Then, develop the API proxy configuration locally and upload the updated API proxy configuration revision, as described in updateApiProxyRevision.


Updates an existing API proxy revision by uploading the API proxy configuration bundle as a zip file from your local machine. You can update only API proxy revisions that have never been deployed. After deployment, an API proxy revision becomes immutable, even if it is undeployed. Set the Content-Type header to either multipart/form-data or application/octet-stream.


Updates or creates API product attributes. This API replaces the current list of attributes with the attributes specified in the request body. In this way, you can update existing attributes, add new attributes, or delete existing attributes by omitting them from the request body. Note: OAuth access tokens and Key Management Service (KMS) entities (apps, developers, and API products) are cached for 180 seconds (current default). Any custom attributes associated with entities also get cached for at least 180 seconds after entity is accessed during runtime. In this case, the ExpiresIn element on the OAuthV2 policy won’t be able to expire an access token in less than 180 seconds.


Deletes an API product attribute.


Gets the value of an API product attribute.


Lists all API product attributes.


Updates the value of an API product attribute. Note: OAuth access tokens and Key Management Service (KMS) entities (apps, developers, and API products) are cached for 180 seconds (current default). Any custom attributes associated with entities also get cached for at least 180 seconds after entity is accessed during runtime. In this case, the ExpiresIn element on the OAuthV2 policy won’t be able to expire an access token in less than 180 seconds.


Creates an API product in an organization. You create API products after you have proxied backend services using API proxies. An API product is a collection of API resources combined with quota settings and metadata that you can use to deliver customized and productized API bundles to your developer community. This metadata can include: - Scope - Environments - API proxies - Extensible profile API products enable you repackage APIs on-the-fly, without having to do any additional coding or configuration. Apigee recommends that you start with a simple API product including only required elements. You then provision credentials to apps to enable them to start testing your APIs. After you have authentication and authorization working against a simple API product, you can iterate to create finer grained API products, defining different sets of API resources for each API product. WARNING: - If you don’t specify an API proxy in the request body, any app associated with the product can make calls to any API in your entire organization. - If you don’t specify an environment in the request body, the product allows access to all environments. For more information, see What is an API product?


Deletes an API product from an organization. Deleting an API product causes app requests to the resource URIs defined in the API product to fail. Ensure that you create a new API product to serve existing apps, unless your intention is to disable access to the resources defined in the API product. The API product name required in the request URL is the internal name of the product, not the display name. While they may be the same, it depends on whether the API product was created via the UI or the API. View the list of API products to verify the internal name.


Gets configuration details for an API product. The API product name required in the request URL is the internal name of the product, not the display name. While they may be the same, it depends on whether the API product was created via the UI or the API. View the list of API products to verify the internal name.


Lists all API product names for an organization. Filter the list by passing an attributename and attibutevalue. The limit on the number of API products returned by the API is 1000. You can paginate the list of API products returned using the startKey and count query parameters.


Updates an existing API product. You must include all required values, whether or not you are updating them, as well as any optional values that you are updating. The API product name required in the request URL is the internal name of the product, not the Display Name. While they may be the same, it depends on whether the API product was created via UI or API. View the list of API products to identify their internal names.


Gets the app profile for the specified app ID.


Lists IDs of apps within an organization that have the specified app status (approved or revoked) or are of the specified app type (developer or company).


Creates an Apigee organization. See Create an Apigee organization.


Creates a new data collector.


Deletes a data collector.


Gets a data collector.


Lists all data collectors.


Updates a data collector.


Delete an Apigee organization. Only supported for SubscriptionType TRIAL.


Lists all deployments of API proxies or shared flows.


Updates attributes for a developer app. This API replaces the current attributes with those specified in the request.


Deletes a developer app attribute.


Returns a developer app attribute.


Returns a list of all developer app attributes.


Updates a developer app attribute. Note: OAuth access tokens and Key Management Service (KMS) entities (apps, developers, and API products) are cached for 180 seconds (current default). Any custom attributes associated with these entities are cached for at least 180 seconds after the entity is accessed at runtime. Therefore, an ExpiresIn element on the OAuthV2 policy won’t be able to expire an access token in less than 180 seconds.


Creates an app associated with a developer. This API associates the developer app with the specified API product and auto-generates an API key for the app to use in calls to API proxies inside that API product. The name is the unique ID of the app that you can use in API calls. The DisplayName (set as an attribute) appears in the UI. If you don’t set the DisplayName attribute, the name appears in the UI.


Deletes a developer app. Note: The delete operation is asynchronous. The developer app is deleted immediately, but its associated resources, such as app keys or access tokens, may take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes to be deleted.


Manages access to a developer app by enabling you to: * Approve or revoke a developer app * Generate a new consumer key and secret for a developer app To approve or revoke a developer app, set the action query parameter to approved or revoked, respectively, and the Content-Type header to application/octet-stream. If a developer app is revoked, none of its API keys are valid for API calls even though the keys are still approved. If successful, the API call returns the following HTTP status code: 204 No Content To generate a new consumer key and secret for a developer app, pass the new key/secret details. Rather than replace an existing key, this API generates a new key. In this case, multiple key pairs may be associated with a single developer app. Each key pair has an independent status (approved or revoked) and expiration time. Any approved, non-expired key can be used in an API call. For example, if you’re using API key rotation, you can generate new keys with expiration times that overlap keys that are going to expire. You might also generate a new consumer key/secret if the security of the original key/secret is compromised. The keyExpiresIn property defines the expiration time for the API key in milliseconds. If you don’t set this property or set it to -1, the API key never expires. Notes: * When generating a new key/secret, this API replaces the existing attributes, notes, and callback URLs with those specified in the request. Include or exclude any existing information that you want to retain or delete, respectively. * To migrate existing consumer keys and secrets to hybrid from another system, see the CreateDeveloperAppKey API.


Returns the details for a developer app.


Removes an API product from an app’s consumer key. After the API product is removed, the app cannot access the API resources defined in that API product. Note: The consumer key is not removed, only its association with the API product.


Approve or revoke an app’s consumer key. After a consumer key is approved, the app can use it to access APIs. A consumer key that is revoked or pending cannot be used to access an API. Any access tokens associated with a revoked consumer key will remain active. However, Apigee hybrid checks the status of the consumer key and if set to revoked will not allow access to the API.


Creates a custom consumer key and secret for a developer app. This is particularly useful if you want to migrate existing consumer keys and secrets to Apigee hybrid from another system. Consumer keys and secrets can contain letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens. No other special characters are allowed. To avoid service disruptions, a consumer key and secret should not exceed 2 KBs each. Note: When creating the consumer key and secret, an association to API products will not be made. Therefore, you should not specify the associated API products in your request. Instead, use the UpdateDeveloperAppKey API to make the association after the consumer key and secret are created. If a consumer key and secret already exist, you can keep them or delete them using the DeleteDeveloperAppKey API.


Creates a custom consumer key and secret for a developer app. This is particularly useful if you want to migrate existing consumer keys and secrets to Apigee hybrid from another system. Consumer keys and secrets can contain letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens. No other special characters are allowed. To avoid service disruptions, a consumer key and secret should not exceed 2 KBs each. Note: When creating the consumer key and secret, an association to API products will not be made. Therefore, you should not specify the associated API products in your request. Instead, use the UpdateDeveloperAppKey API to make the association after the consumer key and secret are created. If a consumer key and secret already exist, you can keep them or delete them using the DeleteDeveloperAppKey API.


Deletes an app’s consumer key and removes all API products associated with the app. After the consumer key is deleted, it cannot be used to access any APIs. Note: After you delete a consumer key, you may want to: 1. Create a new consumer key and secret for the developer app using the CreateDeveloperAppKey API, and subsequently add an API product to the key using the UpdateDeveloperAppKey API. 2. Delete the developer app, if it is no longer required.


Returns details for a consumer key for a developer app, including the key and secret value, associated API products, and other information.


Updates the scope of an app. This API replaces the existing scopes with those specified in the request. Include or exclude any existing scopes that you want to retain or delete, respectively. The specified scopes must already be defined for the API products associated with the app. This API sets the scopes element under the apiProducts element in the attributes of the app.


Adds an API product to a developer app key, enabling the app that holds the key to access the API resources bundled in the API product. In addition, you can add attributes to a developer app key. This API replaces the existing attributes with those specified in the request. Include or exclude any existing attributes that you want to retain or delete, respectively. You can use the same key to access all API products associated with the app.


Lists all apps created by a developer in an Apigee organization. Optionally, you can request an expanded view of the developer apps. A maximum of 100 developer apps are returned per API call. You can paginate the list of deveoper apps returned using the startKey and count query parameters.


Updates the details for a developer app. In addition, you can add an API product to a developer app and automatically generate an API key for the app to use when calling APIs in the API product. If you want to use an existing API key for the API product, add the API product to the API key using the UpdateDeveloperAppKey API. Using this API, you cannot update the following: * App name as it is the primary key used to identify the app and cannot be changed. * Scopes associated with the app. Instead, use the ReplaceDeveloperAppKey API. This API replaces the existing attributes with those specified in the request. Include or exclude any existing attributes that you want to retain or delete, respectively.


Updates developer attributes. This API replaces the existing attributes with those specified in the request. Add new attributes, and include or exclude any existing attributes that you want to retain or remove, respectively. The custom attribute limit is 18. Note: OAuth access tokens and Key Management Service (KMS) entities (apps, developers, and API products) are cached for 180 seconds (default). Any custom attributes associated with these entities are cached for at least 180 seconds after the entity is accessed at runtime. Therefore, an ExpiresIn element on the OAuthV2 policy won’t be able to expire an access token in less than 180 seconds.


Deletes a developer attribute.


Returns the value of the specified developer attribute.


Returns a list of all developer attributes.


Updates a developer attribute. Note: OAuth access tokens and Key Management Service (KMS) entities (apps, developers, and API products) are cached for 180 seconds (default). Any custom attributes associated with these entities are cached for at least 180 seconds after the entity is accessed at runtime. Therefore, an ExpiresIn element on the OAuthV2 policy won’t be able to expire an access token in less than 180 seconds.


Creates a developer. Once created, the developer can register an app and obtain an API key. At creation time, a developer is set as active. To change the developer status, use the SetDeveloperStatus API.


Deletes a developer. All apps and API keys associated with the developer are also removed. Warning: This API will permanently delete the developer and related artifacts. To avoid permanently deleting developers and their artifacts, set the developer status to inactive using the SetDeveloperStatus API. Note: The delete operation is asynchronous. The developer app is deleted immediately, but its associated resources, such as apps and API keys, may take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes to be deleted.


Returns the developer details, including the developer’s name, email address, apps, and other information. Note: The response includes only the first 100 developer apps.


Lists all developers in an organization by email address. By default, the response does not include company developers. Set the includeCompany query parameter to true to include company developers. Note: A maximum of 1000 developers are returned in the response. You paginate the list of developers returned using the startKey and count query parameters.


Sets the status of a developer. Valid values are active or inactive. A developer is active by default. If you set a developer’s status to inactive, the API keys assigned to the developer apps are no longer valid even though the API keys are set to approved. Inactive developers can still sign in to the developer portal and create apps; however, any new API keys generated during app creation won’t work. If successful, the API call returns the following HTTP status code: 204 No Content


Updates a developer. This API replaces the existing developer details with those specified in the request. Include or exclude any existing details that you want to retain or delete, respectively. The custom attribute limit is 18. Note: OAuth access tokens and Key Management Service (KMS) entities (apps, developers, and API products) are cached for 180 seconds (current default). Any custom attributes associated with these entities are cached for at least 180 seconds after the entity is accessed at runtime. Therefore, an ExpiresIn element on the OAuthV2 policy won’t be able to expire an access token in less than 180 seconds.


Creates a new attachment of an environment to an environment group.


Deletes an environment group attachment.


Gets an environment group attachment.


Lists all attachments of an environment group.


Creates a new environment group.


Deletes an environment group.


Gets an environment group.


Lists all environment groups.


Updates an environment group.


Gets a list of metrics and dimensions that can be used to create analytics queries and reports. Each schema element contains the name of the field, its associated type, and a flag indicating whether it is a standard or custom field.


Submit a data export job to be processed in the background. If the request is successful, the API returns a 201 status, a URI that can be used to retrieve the status of the export job, and the state value of “enqueued”.


Gets the details and status of an analytics export job. If the export job is still in progress, its state is set to “running”. After the export job has completed successfully, its state is set to “completed”. If the export job fails, its state is set to failed.


Lists the details and status of all analytics export jobs belonging to the parent organization and environment.


Lists all deployments of an API proxy in an environment.


Creates a debug session for a deployed API Proxy revision.


Gets the debug data from a transaction.


Deletes the data from a debug session. This does not cancel the debug session or prevent further data from being collected if the session is still active in runtime pods.


Retrieves a debug session.


Lists debug sessions that are currently active in the given API Proxy revision.


Deploys a revision of an API proxy. If another revision of the same API proxy revision is currently deployed, set the override parameter to true to have this revision replace the currently deployed revision. You cannot invoke an API proxy until it has been deployed to an environment. After you deploy an API proxy revision, you cannot edit it. To edit the API proxy, you must create and deploy a new revision. For a request path organizations/{org}/environments/{env}/apis/{api}/revisions/{rev}/deployments, two permissions are required: * apigee.deployments.create on the resource organizations/{org}/environments/{env} * apigee.proxyrevisions.deploy on the resource organizations/{org}/apis/{api}/revisions/{rev}


Generates a report for a dry run analysis of a DeployApiProxy request without committing the deployment. In addition to the standard validations performed when adding deployments, additional analysis will be done to detect possible traffic routing changes that would result from this deployment being created. Any potential routing conflicts or unsafe changes will be reported in the response. This routing analysis is not performed for a non-dry-run DeployApiProxy request. For a request path organizations/{org}/environments/{env}/apis/{api}/revisions/{rev}/deployments:generateDeployChangeReport, two permissions are required: * apigee.deployments.create on the resource organizations/{org}/environments/{env} * apigee.proxyrevisions.deploy on the resource organizations/{org}/apis/{api}/revisions/{rev}


Generates a report for a dry run analysis of an UndeployApiProxy request without committing the undeploy. In addition to the standard validations performed when removing deployments, additional analysis will be done to detect possible traffic routing changes that would result from this deployment being removed. Any potential routing conflicts or unsafe changes will be reported in the response. This routing analysis is not performed for a non-dry-run UndeployApiProxy request. For a request path organizations/{org}/environments/{env}/apis/{api}/revisions/{rev}/deployments:generateUndeployChangeReport, two permissions are required: * apigee.deployments.delete on the resource organizations/{org}/environments/{env} * apigee.proxyrevisions.undeploy on the resource organizations/{org}/apis/{api}/revisions/{rev}


Gets the deployment of an API proxy revision and actual state reported by runtime pods.


Undeploys an API proxy revision from an environment. For a request path organizations/{org}/environments/{env}/apis/{api}/revisions/{rev}/deployments, two permissions are required: * apigee.deployments.delete on the resource organizations/{org}/environments/{env} * apigee.proxyrevisions.undeploy on the resource organizations/{org}/apis/{api}/revisions/{rev}


Deletes a cache.


Creates an environment in an organization.


Deletes an environment from an organization.


Lists all deployments of API proxies or shared flows in an environment.


Attaches a shared flow to a flow hook.


Detaches a shared flow from a flow hook.


Returns the name of the shared flow attached to the specified flow hook. If there’s no shared flow attached to the flow hook, the API does not return an error; it simply does not return a name in the response.


Gets environment details.


Gets the debug mask singleton resource for an environment.


Gets the deployed configuration for an environment.


Gets the IAM policy on an environment. For more information, see Manage users, roles, and permissions using the API. You must have the apigee.environments.getIamPolicy permission to call this API.


Get distributed trace configuration in an environment.


Creates an alias from a key/certificate pair. The structure of the request is controlled by the format query parameter: - keycertfile - Separate PEM-encoded key and certificate files are uploaded. Set Content-Type: multipart/form-data and include the keyFile, certFile, and password (if keys are encrypted) fields in the request body. If uploading to a truststore, omit keyFile. - pkcs12 - A PKCS12 file is uploaded. Set Content-Type: multipart/form-data, provide the file in the file field, and include the password field if the file is encrypted in the request body. - selfsignedcert - A new private key and certificate are generated. Set Content-Type: application/json and include CertificateGenerationSpec in the request body.


Generates a PKCS #10 Certificate Signing Request for the private key in an alias.


Deletes an alias.


Gets an alias.


Gets the certificate from an alias in PEM-encoded form.


Updates the certificate in an alias.


Creates a keystore or truststore. - Keystore: Contains certificates and their associated keys. - Truststore: Contains trusted certificates used to validate a server’s certificate. These certificates are typically self-signed certificates or certificates that are not signed by a trusted CA.


Deletes a keystore or truststore.


Gets a keystore or truststore.


Creates a key value map in an environment.


Delete a key value map in an environment.


This api is similar to GetStats except that the response is less verbose. In the current scheme, a query parameter _optimized instructs Edge Analytics to change the response but since this behavior is not possible with protocol buffer and since this parameter is predominantly used by Edge UI, we are introducing a separate api.


Submit a query to be processed in the background. If the submission of the query succeeds, the API returns a 201 status and an ID that refer to the query. In addition to the HTTP status 201, the state of “enqueued” means that the request succeeded.


Get query status If the query is still in progress, the state is set to “running” After the query has completed successfully, state is set to “completed”


After the query is completed, use this API to retrieve the results. If the request succeeds, and there is a non-zero result set, the result is downloaded to the client as a zipped JSON file. The name of the downloaded file will be: Example:


Return a list of Asynchronous Queries


Creates a Reference in the specified environment.


Deletes a Reference from an environment. Returns the deleted Reference resource.


Gets a Reference resource.


Updates an existing Reference. Note that this operation has PUT semantics; it will replace the entirety of the existing Reference with the resource in the request body.


Creates a resource file. Specify the Content-Type as application/octet-stream or multipart/form-data. For more information about resource files, see Resource files.


Deletes a resource file. For more information about resource files, see Resource files.


Gets the contents of a resource file. For more information about resource files, see Resource files.


Lists all resource files, optionally filtering by type. For more information about resource files, see Resource files.


Lists all resource files, optionally filtering by type. For more information about resource files, see Resource files.


Updates a resource file. Specify the Content-Type as application/octet-stream or multipart/form-data. For more information about resource files, see Resource files.


Sets the IAM policy on an environment, if the policy already exists it will be replaced. For more information, see Manage users, roles, and permissions using the API. You must have the apigee.environments.setIamPolicy permission to call this API.


Lists all deployments of a shared flow in an environment.


Deploys a revision of a shared flow. If another revision of the same shared flow is currently deployed, set the override parameter to true to have this revision replace the currently deployed revision. You cannot use a shared flow until it has been deployed to an environment. For a request path organizations/{org}/environments/{env}/sharedflows/{sf}/revisions/{rev}/deployments, two permissions are required: * apigee.deployments.create on the resource organizations/{org}/environments/{env} * apigee.sharedflowrevisions.deploy on the resource organizations/{org}/sharedflows/{sf}/revisions/{rev}


Gets the deployment of a shared flow revision and actual state reported by runtime pods.


Undeploys a shared flow revision from an environment. For a request path organizations/{org}/environments/{env}/sharedflows/{sf}/revisions/{rev}/deployments, two permissions are required: * apigee.deployments.delete on the resource organizations/{org}/environments/{env} * apigee.sharedflowrevisions.undeploy on the resource organizations/{org}/sharedflows/{sf}/revisions/{rev}


Retrieve metrics grouped by dimensions. The types of metrics you can retrieve include traffic, message counts, API call latency, response size, and cache hits and counts. Dimensions let you view metrics in meaningful groups. The stats api does accept dimensions as path params. The dimensions are optional in which case the metrics are computed on the entire data for the given timerange.


Creates a subscription for the environment’s Pub/Sub topic. The server will assign a random name for this subscription. The “name” and “push_config” must not be specified.


Creates a TargetServer in the specified environment.


Deletes a TargetServer from an environment. Returns the deleted TargetServer resource.


Gets a TargetServer resource.


Updates an existing TargetServer. Note that this operation has PUT semantics; it will replace the entirety of the existing TargetServer with the resource in the request body.


Tests the permissions of a user on an environment, and returns a subset of permissions that the user has on the environment. If the environment does not exist, an empty permission set is returned (a NOT_FOUND error is not returned).


Creates a trace configuration override. The response contains a system-generated UUID, that can be used to view, update, or delete the configuration override. Use the List API to view the existing trace configuration overrides.


Deletes a distributed trace configuration override.


Gets a trace configuration override.


Lists all of the distributed trace configuration overrides in an environment.


Updates a distributed trace configuration override. Note that the repeated fields have replace semantics when included in the field mask and that they will be overwritten by the value of the fields in the request body.


Deletes a subscription for the environment’s Pub/Sub topic.


Updates an existing environment. When updating properties, you must pass all existing properties to the API, even if they are not being changed. If you omit properties from the payload, the properties are removed. To get the current list of properties for the environment, use the Get Environment API.


Updates the debug mask singleton resource for an environment.


Updates an existing environment. When updating properties, you must pass all existing properties to the API, even if they are not being changed. If you omit properties from the payload, the properties are removed. To get the current list of properties for the environment, use the Get Environment API.


Updates the trace configurations in an environment. Note that the repeated fields have replace semantics when included in the field mask and that they will be overwritten by the value of the fields in the request body.


Gets the profile for an Apigee organization. See Understanding organizations.


Gets the deployed ingress configuration for an organization.


Lists the service accounts with the permissions required to allow the Synchronizer to download environment data from the control plane. An ETag is returned in the response to getSyncAuthorization. Pass that ETag when calling setSyncAuthorization to ensure that you are updating the correct version. If you don’t pass the ETag in the call to setSyncAuthorization, then the existing authorization is overwritten indiscriminately. For more information, see Configure the Synchronizer. Note: Available to Apigee hybrid only.


Submit a query at host level to be processed in the background. If the submission of the query succeeds, the API returns a 201 status and an ID that refer to the query. In addition to the HTTP status 201, the state of “enqueued” means that the request succeeded.


Get status of a query submitted at host level. If the query is still in progress, the state is set to “running” After the query has completed successfully, state is set to “completed”


After the query is completed, use this API to retrieve the results. If the request succeeds, and there is a non-zero result set, the result is downloaded to the client as a zipped JSON file. The name of the downloaded file will be: Example:


A builder for the hostQueries.getResultView method supported by a organization resource. It is not used directly, but through a OrganizationMethods instance.


Return a list of Asynchronous Queries at host level.


Retrieve metrics grouped by dimensions in host level. The types of metrics you can retrieve include traffic, message counts, API call latency, response size, and cache hits and counts. Dimensions let you view metrics in meaningful groups. The stats api does accept dimensions as path params. The dimensions are optional in which case the metrics are computed on the entire data for the given timerange.


Creates a new attachment of an environment to an instance. Note: Not supported for Apigee hybrid.


Deletes an attachment. Note: Not supported for Apigee hybrid.


Gets an attachment. Note: Not supported for Apigee hybrid.


Lists all attachments to an instance. Note: Not supported for Apigee hybrid.


Creates a new canary evaluation for an organization.


Gets a CanaryEvaluation for an organization.


Creates an Apigee runtime instance. The instance is accessible from the authorized network configured on the organization. Note: Not supported for Apigee hybrid.


Deletes an Apigee runtime instance. The instance stops serving requests and the runtime data is deleted. Note: Not supported for Apigee hybrid.


Gets the details for an Apigee runtime instance. Note: Not supported for Apigee hybrid.


Lists all Apigee runtime instances for the organization. Note: Not supported for Apigee hybrid.


Activates the NAT address. The Apigee instance can now use this for Internet egress traffic. Note: Not supported for Apigee hybrid.


Creates a NAT address. The address is created in the RESERVED state and a static external IP address will be provisioned. At this time, the instance will not use this IP address for Internet egress traffic. The address can be activated for use once any required firewall IP whitelisting has been completed. Note: Not supported for Apigee hybrid.


Deletes the NAT address. Connections that are actively using the address are drained before it is removed. Note: Not supported for Apigee hybrid.


Gets the details of a NAT address. Note: Not supported for Apigee hybrid.


Lists the NAT addresses for an Apigee instance. Note: Not supported for Apigee hybrid.


Reports the latest status for a runtime instance.


Creates a key value map in an organization.


Delete a key value map in an organization.


Lists the Apigee organizations and associated GCP projects that you have permission to access. See Understanding organizations.


A builder providing access to all methods supported on organization resources. It is not used directly, but through the Apigee hub.


Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API service.


Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. If the server doesn’t support this method, it returns UNIMPLEMENTED. NOTE: the name binding allows API services to override the binding to use different resource name schemes, such as users/*/operations. To override the binding, API services can add a binding such as "/v1/{name=users/*}/operations" to their service configuration. For backwards compatibility, the default name includes the operations collection id, however overriding users must ensure the name binding is the parent resource, without the operations collection id.


This api is similar to GetHostStats except that the response is less verbose.


Creates a Custom Report for an Organization. A Custom Report provides Apigee Customers to create custom dashboards in addition to the standard dashboards which are provided. The Custom Report in its simplest form contains specifications about metrics, dimensions and filters. It is important to note that the custom report by itself does not provide an executable entity. The Edge UI converts the custom report definition into an analytics query and displays the result in a chart.


Deletes an existing custom report definition


Retrieve a custom report definition.


Return a list of Custom Reports


Update an existing custom report definition


Sets the permissions required to allow the Synchronizer to download environment data from the control plane. You must call this API to enable proper functioning of hybrid. Pass the ETag when calling setSyncAuthorization to ensure that you are updating the correct version. To get an ETag, call getSyncAuthorization. If you don’t pass the ETag in the call to setSyncAuthorization, then the existing authorization is overwritten indiscriminately. For more information, see Configure the Synchronizer. Note: Available to Apigee hybrid only.


Uploads a ZIP-formatted shared flow configuration bundle to an organization. If the shared flow already exists, this creates a new revision of it. If the shared flow does not exist, this creates it. Once imported, the shared flow revision must be deployed before it can be accessed at runtime. The size limit of a shared flow bundle is 15 MB.


Deletes a shared flow and all it’s revisions. The shared flow must be undeployed before you can delete it.


Lists all deployments of a shared flow.


Gets a shared flow by name, including a list of its revisions.


Lists all shared flows in the organization.


Deletes a shared flow and all associated policies, resources, and revisions. You must undeploy the shared flow before deleting it.


Lists all deployments of a shared flow revision.


Gets a revision of a shared flow. To download the shared flow configuration bundle for the specified revision as a zip file, set the format query parameter to bundle. If you are using curl, specify -o to save the output to a file; otherwise, it displays to stdout. Then, develop the shared flow configuration locally and upload the updated sharedFlow configuration revision, as described in updateSharedFlowRevision.


Updates a shared flow revision. This operation is only allowed on revisions which have never been deployed. After deployment a revision becomes immutable, even if it becomes undeployed. The payload is a ZIP-formatted shared flow. Content type must be either multipart/form-data or application/octet-stream.


Creates a new category on the portal.


Deletes a category from the portal.


Gets a category on the portal.


Lists the categories on the portal.


Updates a category on the portal.


Updates the properties for an Apigee organization. No other fields in the organization profile will be updated.


A builder providing access to all methods supported on project resources. It is not used directly, but through the Apigee hub.


Provisions a new Apigee organization with a functioning runtime. This is the standard way to create trial organizations for a free Apigee trial.



Identifies the an OAuth2 authorization scope. A scope is needed when requesting an authorization token.