Module gong::docs::usage

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Documentation: Usage


To use this library, start by adding a dependency entry for it in your project’s Cargo.toml file; then make sure to declare use of the crate at the root of the module hierarchy (src/ or src/, including importing the macros if you want to use them:

extern crate gong;

Now proceed with the following steps.

Step #1: Describe the available options

First, you need to create a description of the options to be made available to users of your program.

  • OptionSetEx is the “extendible” type, which uses Vec for holding the described options, and can thus be extended with additional ones at any time. It is thus suitable for “builder” style construction, where a set is to be built dynamically at runtime.
  • OptionSet is designed for describing a “fixed” set of options, using a slice reference instead of Vec. It is primarily intended for achieving greater efficiency in designs not requiring dynamic construction, where a set can be declared as a static (though is not limited to use in statics).

“Builder” style:

let mut opts = gong::options::OptionSetEx::new(6, 4); //Estimate counts for efficiency
    .add_long("ábc")      // Using a combining char (accent)
    .add_long_data("hah") // This one expects a data arg
    .add_short_data('o'); // So does this one

“Fixed” style:

static OPTS: gong::options::OptionSet = gong_option_set_fixed!(
        gong_longopt!("ábc"),       // Using a combinator char (accent)
        gong_longopt!("hah", true), // This one expects a data arg
    ], [
        gong_shortopt!('o', true),  // So does this one


Set mode

If you want to use alternate option mode rather than standard (default), as discussed above, a set_mode method is available.

You can control whether or not to allow abbreviated matching with the set_allow_abbreviations method.


Once an option set has been described, it should be validated before use. The is_valid and validate methods are provided for this. It is recommended that you typically only check validity in a debug assert variant, as here, to allow catching mistakes in development, but otherwise avoid wasting energy for option sets in release builds that you know must be perfectly valid.

Some basic validation is also performed directly by the add_* methods on OptionSetEx, but this does not cover checking for duplicates.

Note: With respect to what is or is not a duplicate, only the name/char matters; the expects_data attribute makes no difference.

Step #2: Gather arguments to be processed

You also need to retrieve (or build) a set of arguments to be processed. Slices of both &str and String are supported. (Rust provides actual program args from the environment as String). You can collect program arguments as follows:

let args: Vec<String> = std::env::args().collect();

The very first entry in the list is the program path/name, and often you will not be interested in it. You can skip it in two easy ways, either: a) providing &args[1..] instead of &args[..] to the processing function in the next step, or b) using the iterator skip method, as here:

let args: Vec<String> = std::env::args().skip(1).collect();

Note: Of course you do not have to provide the real program args, you can provide any set of String objects, and you can even of course take the real set and modify it first if you wish.

Step #3: Processing

With input args gathered and “available” option set constructed, now you’re ready for analysis. All you need to do is feed the argument list to the option set’s process method and it will spit out an analysis that describes what it identified.

let analysis = opts.process(&args[..]);

Of course if for any reason you do not want to process all arguments in one go, you always have the option of processing one argument at a time (or in groups of whatever number you choose), calling process for each. (Naturally though you must beware the complications handling “in-next-arg” data values doing this).

Step #4: Take action

It is now up to you to take appropriate action in response to what was found.

The Analysis object returned by the process method contains error and warn booleans, which give a quick indication of problems. It also contains a list of items, describing in detail what was found. The items in the item list are stored in the same order as found in the input arguments.

The entries in the item list are ItemClass variants, which wrap variants of Item, ItemW or ItemE (okay/warn/error), thus making it simple to match by class. All variants of each item class hold a usize value to be used for indicating the index of the argument in which the item was found, should you want to know that. Similarly, information is returned where applicable with data values as to whether the data arg was located in the same argument or the next.

Note: some item variants that may be returned in the Analysis struct hold &str references to strings that were provided in the argument and option data provided to process. This is done for efficiency. Beware of this with respect to lifetimes.

Have a play

The source code repository that houses this project includes a small test application for trying out the library’s analysis capabilities. It has a small set of built-in example options of different kinds, and when run, outputs details of them along with details of analysing any provided arguments against them. Instruction on using it are provided in the file that accompanies it.