Function gnunet_sys::GNUNET_PROGRAM_run2[][src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn GNUNET_PROGRAM_run2(
    argc: c_int,
    argv: *const *mut c_char,
    binaryName: *const c_char,
    binaryHelp: *const c_char,
    options: *const GNUNET_GETOPT_CommandLineOption,
    task: GNUNET_PROGRAM_Main,
    task_cls: *mut c_void,
    run_without_scheduler: c_int
) -> GNUNET_GenericReturnValue

Run a standard GNUnet command startup sequence (initialize loggers and configuration, parse options).

@param argc number of command line arguments in @a argv @param argv command line arguments @param binaryName our expected name @param binaryHelp help text for the program @param options command line options @param task main function to run @param task_cls closure for @a task @param run_without_scheduler #GNUNET_NO start the scheduler, #GNUNET_YES do not start the scheduler just run the main task @return #GNUNET_SYSERR on error, #GNUNET_NO if successful option processing called for the program to terminate, #GNUNET_OK on success (#a task was invoked)