Function gnunet_sys::GNUNET_HELPER_start[][src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn GNUNET_HELPER_start(
    with_control_pipe: c_int,
    binary_name: *const c_char,
    binary_argv: *const *mut c_char,
    cb: GNUNET_MessageTokenizerCallback,
    exp_cb: GNUNET_HELPER_ExceptionCallback,
    cb_cls: *mut c_void
) -> *mut GNUNET_HELPER_Handle

Starts a helper and begins reading from it. The helper process is restarted when it dies except when it is stopped using GNUNET_HELPER_stop() or when the exp_cb callback is not NULL.

@param with_control_pipe does the helper support the use of a control pipe for signalling? @param binary_name name of the binary to run @param binary_argv NULL-terminated list of arguments to give when starting the binary (this argument must not be modified by the client for the lifetime of the helper handle) @param cb function to call if we get messages from the helper @param exp_cb the exception callback to call. Set this to NULL if the helper process has to be restarted automatically when it dies/crashes @param cb_cls closure for the above callbacks @return the new Handle, NULL on error