Function gnunet_sys::GNUNET_ATS_performance_list_addresses[][src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn GNUNET_ATS_performance_list_addresses(
    ph: *mut GNUNET_ATS_PerformanceHandle,
    peer: *const GNUNET_PeerIdentity,
    all: c_int,
    infocb: GNUNET_ATS_AddressInformationCallback,
    infocb_cls: *mut c_void
) -> *mut GNUNET_ATS_AddressListHandle

Get information about addresses known to the ATS subsystem.

@param ph the performance handle to use @param peer peer idm can be NULL for all peers @param all #GNUNET_YES to get information about all addresses or #GNUNET_NO to get only address currently used @param infocb callback to call with the addresses, will callback with address == NULL when done @param infocb_cls closure for @a infocb @return handle to abort the operation