Crate gneiss_mqtt

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This crate provides clients for communicating with a message broker using the MQTT5 protocol.

MQTT is a publish/subscribe protocol commonly used in IoT use cases. MQTT5 is the latest version of the protocol. The previous version, MQTT311, has also seen widespread adoption and will eventually be supported in an upcoming release.


To use this crate, you’ll first need to add it to your project’s Cargo.toml:

gneiss-mqtt = "0.2"

(Temporary) If your project does not include tokio, you will need to add it too:

tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }

Future releases will support other async runtimes as well as a client that runs in a background thread and does not need an async runtime. For now, tokio is required.

This crate contains all the building blocks necessary to connect to most MQTT brokers, but the configuration to do so can be confusing and delicate. For complex cases, we recommend using broker-specific crates that implement all the low-level connector details needed to successfully establish an MQTT connection to a specific broker. The documentation for these specialized crates contains samples and information on how to connect in all of the ways each broker supports.

Currently, these crates include:

  • gneiss-mqtt-aws - A crate with a builder that supports all connection methods allowed by the AWS MQTT broker implementation, AWS IoT Core.

§Example: Connect to a local Mosquitto server

Assuming a default Mosquitto installation, you can connect locally by plaintext on port 1883:

use gneiss_mqtt::config::GenericClientBuilder;
use tokio::runtime::Handle;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {

    // In the common case, you will not need a root CA certificate
    let client =
        GenericClientBuilder::new("", 1883)

    // Once started, the client will recurrently maintain a connection to the endpoint until
    // stop() is invoked

    // <do stuff with the client>


§Example: Subscribe to a topic

In order to receive messages, you must first subscribe to the topics you want to receive messages for. Subscribing is straightforward: configure a Subscribe packet and submit it to the client. The subscribe will be performed whether or not the result is waited on. (In the async case) Await is simply how the response is transferred back to you.

A successful subscribe call returns the Suback packet that the broker responded with. You must check the Suback reason code vector to verify the success/failure result for each subscription in the original subscribe.

use gneiss_mqtt::error::MqttResult;
use gneiss_mqtt::client::{AsyncGneissClient, SubscribeResult};
use gneiss_mqtt::mqtt::{QualityOfService, SubscribePacket, Subscription};
use std::sync::Arc;

async fn subscribe_to_topic(client: AsyncGneissClient) {
    let subscribe = SubscribePacket::builder()
        .with_subscription(Subscription::new_simple("hello/world/+".to_string(), QualityOfService::AtLeastOnce))

    let subscribe_result = client.subscribe(subscribe, None).await;
    if let Ok(suback) = subscribe_result {
        if suback.reason_codes()[0].is_success() {
            println!("Subscribe success!");

    println!("Subscribe failed!");

§Example: Unsubscribe from a topic


§Example: Publish to a topic


§Example: React to client events

In addition to performing MQTT operations with the client, you can also react to events emitted by the client. The client emits events when connectivity changes (successful connection, failed connection, disconnection, etc…) as well as when publishes are received.

To handle client events, pass in a handler when starting the client. See the ClientEvent documentation for more information on what data each event variant may contain.

This example shows how you can capture the client in the event handler closure, letting you perform additional operations in reaction to client events (the client’s public API is immutable). In this case, we send a “Pong” publish every time we receive a “Ping” publish:

use gneiss_mqtt::client::{ClientEvent, AsyncGneissClient};
use gneiss_mqtt::mqtt::{PublishPacket, QualityOfService};
use std::sync::Arc;

pub fn client_event_callback(client: AsyncGneissClient, event: Arc<ClientEvent>) {
    if let ClientEvent::PublishReceived(publish_received_event) = event.as_ref() {
        let publish = &publish_received_event.publish;
        if let Some(payload) = publish.payload() {
            if "Ping".as_bytes() == payload {
                // we received a Ping, let's send a Pong in response
                let pong_publish = PublishPacket::builder(publish.topic().to_string(), QualityOfService::AtMostOnce)

                // we're in a synchronous function, but it's being called from an async task within the runtime, so
                // we can await and check the publish result by getting the current runtime and spawning an async
                // task in it
                let runtime_handle = Handle::current();
                runtime_handle.spawn(async move {
                    if let Ok(publish_result) = client.publish(pong_publish, None).await {
                        println!("Successfully published Pong!");
                    } else {
                        println!("Failed to publish Pong!");

use gneiss_mqtt::config::GenericClientBuilder;
use tokio::runtime::Handle;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {

    // put the client in an Arc so we can capture an Arc clone in the event handler closure
    let client : AsyncGneissClient =
        GenericClientBuilder::new("", 1883)

    // make a client event handler closure
    let closure_client = client.clone();
    let listener_callback = Arc::new(move |event| { client_event_callback(closure_client.clone(), event) });

    // Pass the event handler callback into start()

    // <do stuff with the client>


§Additional Notes

The intention is that this crate will eventually be as agnostic as possible of underlying implementation details (async runtimes, TLS/transport implementations, etc…) but at present it has hard dependencies on tokio, rustls, and some associated helper libraries. These will get feature-flag-gated before GA, allowing the user to pare the implementation down to their exact connection needs. In Rust’s current state, there is a fundamental tension between trying to be transport/runtime agnostic and trying to provide an easy-to-use interface for getting successful clients set up for the many different combinations expected by users.

This crate’s public API is expected to be very unstable until v0.5.0. See the roadmap in the README for more details.


  • A module with types for handling topic alias resolution, both outbound and inbound. The included outbound resolvers should be sufficient for most use cases, but this module also includes a trait that allows for custom resolution implementations to be injected into a client.
  • Module containing the public MQTT client and associated types necessary to invoke operations on it.
  • Module containing types for configuring an MQTT client.
  • A module containing the core crate error enumeration, context structures, and conversion definitions.
  • Module that encompasses feature-specific logic (primarily TLS and Async runtime).
  • Module containing a set of structured data types that model the MQTT5 specification.