[][src]Function gmsh_sys::gmshModelOccAddEllipse

pub unsafe extern "C" fn gmshModelOccAddEllipse(
    x: f64,
    y: f64,
    z: f64,
    r1: f64,
    r2: f64,
    tag: c_int,
    angle1: f64,
    angle2: f64,
    ierr: *mut c_int
) -> c_int

Add an ellipse of center (x, y, z) and radii r1 and r2 along the x- and y-axes respectively. If tag is positive, set the tag explicitly; otherwise a new tag is selected automatically. If angle1 and angle2 are specified, create an ellipse arc between the two angles. Return the tag of the ellipse. Note that OpenCASCADE does not allow creating ellipses with the major radius (along the x-axis) smaller than or equal to the minor radius (along the y-axis): rotate the shape or use addCircle in such cases.