initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Error","Error type wrapping all possible errors that can be generated from gluon"]],"fn":[["filename_to_module",""],["new_vm","Creates a new virtual machine with support for importing other modules and with all primitives loaded."]],"mod":[["compiler_pipeline","Advanced compiler pipeline which ensures that the compilation phases are run in order even if not the entire compilation procedure is needed"],["import","Implementation of the `import` macro."]],"struct":[["Compiler","Type which makes parsing, typechecking and compiling an AST into bytecode"],["RootedThread","An instance of `Thread` which is rooted. See the `Thread` type for documentation on interacting with the type."],["Thread","Representation of the virtual machine"]],"type":[["Result","Type alias for results returned by gluon"]]});