Module gltf::mesh

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Meshes and their primitives.

Basic usage

Listing the attributes of each mesh primitive in a glTF asset.

for mesh in gltf.meshes() {
   println!("Mesh #{}", mesh.index());
   for primitive in mesh.primitives() {
       println!("- Primitive #{}", primitive.index());
       for (semantic, _) in primitive.attributes() {
           println!("-- {:?}", semantic);

Reader utility

Printing the vertex positions of each primitive of each mesh in a glTF asset.

let (gltf, buffers, _) = gltf::import("examples/Box.gltf")?;
for mesh in gltf.meshes() {
   println!("Mesh #{}", mesh.index());
   for primitive in mesh.primitives() {
       println!("- Primitive #{}", primitive.index());
       let reader = primitive.reader(|buffer| Some(&buffers[buffer.index()]));
       if let Some(iter) = reader.read_positions() {
           for vertex_position in iter {
               println!("{:?}", vertex_position);




Utility functions.


The minimum and maximum values for a generic accessor.

A set of primitives to be rendered.

A single morph target for a mesh primitive.

Geometry to be rendered with the given material.

Mesh primitive reader.


The type of primitives to render.

Vertex attribute semantic name.

Type Definitions

Vertex attribute data.

Vertex position bounding box.