[][src]Macro glsp_engine::tab

macro_rules! tab {
    () => { ... };
    ($(($key:expr, $value:expr),)* ..$base:expr) => { ... };
    ($(($key:expr, $value:expr),)*) => { ... };
    ($(($key:expr, $value:expr)),*) => { ... };

Constructs a table.

The input syntax is any number of (key, value) pairs, each surrounded by parentheses. They can optionally be followed with a single "base" argument, prefixed with .., which must evaluate to a &Tab or a Root<Tab>.

The return type is Root<Tab>.

let original = tab! {
	(glsp::sym("a")?, 0),
	(glsp::sym("b")?, 1)

let table = tab! {
	(glsp::sym("b")?, 1),
	(glsp::sym("c")?, 2),

println!("{}", table.len()); //prints 3

In the unlikely event that a key or value fails to be converted to a Val, the macro will panic. try_tab! is the non-panicking alternative.