[][src]Macro glsp_engine::lib

macro_rules! lib {
		$struct_vis:vis struct $lib:ident { $($struct_token:tt)* }
	) => { ... };
		$struct_vis:vis struct $lib:ident;
	) => { ... };
		$struct_vis:vis struct $lib:ident ( $($struct_token:tt)* );
	) => { ... };

Defines a library struct.

The input must be a struct declaration. The macro defines that struct, implements the Lib trait for the struct's type, and implements MakeArg for shared and mutable references to the struct's type.

lib! {
	struct Graphics {
		canvas: sdl2::render::Canvas<Window>

impl Graphics {
	fn draw_rect(&self, rect: Rect) {

glsp::bind_rfn("draw-rect", rfn!(Graphics::draw_rect))?;

When a reference to a library struct is bound as an RFn parameter, that parameter doesn't consume any input arguments. Instead, it will attempt to borrow the library struct from the active Runtime.