Crate glitter [] [src]

A type-safe, zero-cost OpenGL abstraction.


OpenGL is an API designed for 2D and 3D rendering in a high-level, platform-agnostic way. In many situations, it is the only viable choice, considering platform, time, and performance requirements.

glitter is designed to provide a thin, zero-cost, type-safe wrapper for OpenGL. The API is designed to look and feel familiar to the plain C OpenGL API, so that translating code between glitter and OpenGL can be as painless as possible. Most OpenGL functions have a direct parallel in glitter, such as glClearColor, provided as gl.clear_color. Others provide several different wrapper functions to provide better type safety, such as glDrawElements, which is wrapped by gl.draw_elements, gl.draw_n_elements, and gl.draw_n_elements_buffered.

Additionally, some higher-level abstractions are included, usually to reduce boilerplate or to provide a common interface to work across multiple OpenGL versions. A simple example is the gl.build_program interface, which makes it quick and easy to create and link a program object, while also correctly checking and reporting any errors.

A good starting starting point to dive into glitter is the context module. This module is the home of the ContextOf type, which is the main entry point to making OpenGL calls.

OpenGL Version Support

Currently, glitter only supports OpenGL ES 2, although the goal is to enable support for targetting any OpenGL version. An example of what this entails is the VertexBuffer type. The current implementation of VertexBuffer uses OpenGL "vertex buffer objects" under the hood. However, OpenGL also has a complimentary feature, called "vertex array objects", that could replace the current implementation and reduce the number of draw calls. Unfortunately, this API is not available in OpenGL ES 2 (without an extension, that is). In a future version of glitter, the goal is to update VertexBuffer to use vertex array objects, and to fall back to vertex buffer objects when vertex array objects are unavailable.

Thread Safety

Eventually, glitter should support proper thread safety using the Send and Sync marker traits. For now, most types have been marked as !Send and !Sync, meaning that they cannot be sent or shared across threads.

The Future

In its current form, glitter should be considered work-in-progress, and the API will likely undergo radical changes before a 1.0 version is establised.


pub use context::*;
pub use buffer::*;
pub use shader::*;
pub use program::*;
pub use framebuffer::*;
pub use renderbuffer::*;
pub use texture::*;
pub use image_data::*;
pub use vertex_data::*;
pub use vertex_buffer::*;
pub use index_data::*;
pub use uniform_data::*;
pub use types::*;



Exposes the OpenGL Buffer object, and related types.


Home of ContextOf, which is the type that represents "the OpenGL state machine", and the type you use to make OpenGL calls.


Exposes the OpenGL Framebuffer object, and related types.


Contains types related to 2D image data.


Contains types related to index data, which are used for IndexBuffers.


Re-exports essential extension traits. Everything exported in this module should be used anywhere that glitter is used.


Exposes the OpenGL Program object and related types.


Exposes the OpenGL Renderbuffer object, and related types.


Exposes the OpenGL Shader object and related types.


Exposes the OpenGL Texture family of objects and related types.


Contains miscellaneous general-purpose OpenGL types.


Contains types that represent uniform data, which is used for methods such as gl.set_uniform.


Contains a higher-level abstraction for creating vertex and index buffer.


Contains types related to vertex data, which are used for VertexBuffers.



Create an AttribBinder from a set of associations from vertex attribute names to ProgramAttribs.


Implement the VertexData trait for a struct. Each field of the struct must that is part of the VertexData implementation must be a type that implements VertexDatum.


Compute the offset of a field within a struct type.