initSidebarItems({"macro":[["attrib_pointers!","Create an `AttribBinder` from a set of associations from vertex attribute names to `ProgramAttribs`."],["impl_vertex_data!","Implement the `VertexData` trait for a struct. Each field of the struct must that is part of the `VertexData` implementation must be a type that implements `VertexDatum`."],["offset_of!","Compute the offset of a field within a struct type."]],"mod":[["buffer","Exposes the OpenGL `Buffer` object, and related types."],["context","Home of `ContextOf`, which is the type that represents \"the OpenGL state machine\", and the type you use to make OpenGL calls."],["framebuffer","Exposes the OpenGL `Framebuffer` object, and related types."],["gl",""],["image_data","Contains types related to 2D image data."],["index_data","Contains types related to index data, which are used for `IndexBuffers`."],["prelude","Re-exports essential extension traits. Everything exported in this module should be used anywhere that glitter is used."],["program","Exposes the OpenGL `Program` object and related types."],["renderbuffer","Exposes the OpenGL `Renderbuffer` object, and related types."],["shader","Exposes the OpenGL `Shader` object and related types."],["texture","Exposes the OpenGL `Texture` family of objects and related types."],["types","Contains miscellaneous general-purpose OpenGL types."],["uniform_data","Contains types that represent uniform data, which is used for methods such as `gl.set_uniform`."],["vertex_buffer","Contains a higher-level abstraction for creating vertex and index buffer."],["vertex_data","Contains types related to vertex data, which are used for `VertexBuffers`."]]});