initSidebarItems({"mod":[["buffer_context","Contains all of the OpenGL state types related to buffer objects."],["ext","Contains all of the `ContextOf` extension traits that implement core OpenGL functionality."],["framebuffer_context","Contains all of the OpenGL state types related to framebuffer objects."],["program_context","Contains all of the OpenGL state types related to shader programs."],["renderbuffer_context","Contains all of the OpenGL state types related to renderbuffers."],["texture_context","Contains all of the OpenGL state types related to texture bindings."],["texture_units","Contains all of the OpenGL state types related texture units."]],"struct":[["ContextOf","The type that represents the whole \"OpenGL state machine\". This is the core of glitter's design, and what enables the notion of safety."]],"trait":[["AContext","The 'core' OpenGL context trait. This trait provides access to any OpenGL functionality that don't deal with binding. This trait is implemented for `ContextOf<_, _, _, _, _>`, as well as for `&mut ContextOf<_, _, _, _, _>`."],["BaseContext","A marker trait for types that represent an active OpenGL context."],["ContextExt","An extension trait that contains some of the core OpenGL methods that maintain state, such as the current clear color or whether depth testing is enabled."]],"type":[["Context","A \"fresh\" OpenGL context: one that essentially has no active bindings. See the `ContextOf` docs for more details."]]});