[][src]Crate gleam_finder

This crate contains tools you can use to get gleam giveaways links.

You can search google for every youtube video mentionning gleam.io in the last hour with google::search().
After you got this links to youtube, you can load the pages and parse the description to get gleam.io links with youtube::resolve().
In the future you will be able to parse gleam pages.


use gleam_finder::*;
// note that we only test the first page of google results and that there can be more
for youtube_link in google::search("\"gleam.io\"+site:youtube.com&tbs=qdr:h", 0) {
    // you may want to wait between laodings because youtube and google can block you for spamming requests too quikly
    for gleam_link in youtube::resolve(&youtube_link) {
        println!("gleam link found: {}", gleam_link);



Empty for now


Contains functions related to google pages parsing.


Contains functions related to youtube pages parsing