Trait gleam::gl::Gl [] [src]

pub trait Gl {
    fn get_type(&self) -> GlType;
fn buffer_data_untyped(
        target: GLenum,
        size: GLsizeiptr,
        data: *const GLvoid,
        usage: GLenum
fn buffer_sub_data_untyped(
        target: GLenum,
        offset: isize,
        size: GLsizeiptr,
        data: *const GLvoid
fn tex_buffer(
        target: GLenum,
        internal_format: GLenum,
        buffer: GLuint
fn shader_source(&self, shader: GLuint, strings: &[&[u8]]);
fn read_buffer(&self, mode: GLenum);
fn read_pixels_into_buffer(
        x: GLint,
        y: GLint,
        width: GLsizei,
        height: GLsizei,
        format: GLenum,
        pixel_type: GLenum,
        dst_buffer: &mut [u8]
fn read_pixels(
        x: GLint,
        y: GLint,
        width: GLsizei,
        height: GLsizei,
        format: GLenum,
        pixel_type: GLenum
    ) -> Vec<u8>;
fn sample_coverage(&self, value: GLclampf, invert: bool);
fn polygon_offset(&self, factor: GLfloat, units: GLfloat);
fn pixel_store_i(&self, name: GLenum, param: GLint);
fn gen_buffers(&self, n: GLsizei) -> Vec<GLuint>;
fn gen_renderbuffers(&self, n: GLsizei) -> Vec<GLuint>;
fn gen_framebuffers(&self, n: GLsizei) -> Vec<GLuint>;
fn gen_textures(&self, n: GLsizei) -> Vec<GLuint>;
fn gen_vertex_arrays(&self, n: GLsizei) -> Vec<GLuint>;
fn gen_queries(&self, n: GLsizei) -> Vec<GLuint>;
fn begin_query(&self, target: GLenum, id: GLuint);
fn end_query(&self, target: GLenum);
fn query_counter(&self, id: GLuint, target: GLenum);
fn get_query_object_iv(&self, id: GLuint, pname: GLenum) -> i32;
fn get_query_object_uiv(&self, id: GLuint, pname: GLenum) -> u32;
fn get_query_object_i64v(&self, id: GLuint, pname: GLenum) -> i64;
fn get_query_object_ui64v(&self, id: GLuint, pname: GLenum) -> u64;
fn delete_queries(&self, queries: &[GLuint]);
fn delete_vertex_arrays(&self, vertex_arrays: &[GLuint]);
fn delete_buffers(&self, buffers: &[GLuint]);
fn delete_renderbuffers(&self, renderbuffers: &[GLuint]);
fn delete_framebuffers(&self, framebuffers: &[GLuint]);
fn delete_textures(&self, textures: &[GLuint]);
fn framebuffer_renderbuffer(
        target: GLenum,
        attachment: GLenum,
        renderbuffertarget: GLenum,
        renderbuffer: GLuint
fn renderbuffer_storage(
        target: GLenum,
        internalformat: GLenum,
        width: GLsizei,
        height: GLsizei
fn depth_func(&self, func: GLenum);
fn active_texture(&self, texture: GLenum);
fn attach_shader(&self, program: GLuint, shader: GLuint);
fn bind_attrib_location(&self, program: GLuint, index: GLuint, name: &str);
fn get_uniform_iv(&self, program: GLuint, location: GLint) -> Vec<GLint>;
fn get_uniform_fv(&self, program: GLuint, location: GLint) -> Vec<GLfloat>;
fn get_uniform_block_index(&self, program: GLuint, name: &str) -> GLuint;
fn get_uniform_indices(
        program: GLuint,
        names: &[&str]
    ) -> Vec<GLuint>;
fn bind_buffer_base(&self, target: GLenum, index: GLuint, buffer: GLuint);
fn bind_buffer_range(
        target: GLenum,
        index: GLuint,
        buffer: GLuint,
        offset: GLintptr,
        size: GLsizeiptr
fn uniform_block_binding(
        program: GLuint,
        uniform_block_index: GLuint,
        uniform_block_binding: GLuint
fn bind_buffer(&self, target: GLenum, buffer: GLuint);
fn bind_vertex_array(&self, vao: GLuint);
fn bind_renderbuffer(&self, target: GLenum, renderbuffer: GLuint);
fn bind_framebuffer(&self, target: GLenum, framebuffer: GLuint);
fn bind_texture(&self, target: GLenum, texture: GLuint);
fn draw_buffers(&self, bufs: &[GLenum]);
fn tex_image_2d(
        target: GLenum,
        level: GLint,
        internal_format: GLint,
        width: GLsizei,
        height: GLsizei,
        border: GLint,
        format: GLenum,
        ty: GLenum,
        opt_data: Option<&[u8]>
fn compressed_tex_image_2d(
        target: GLenum,
        level: GLint,
        internal_format: GLenum,
        width: GLsizei,
        height: GLsizei,
        border: GLint,
        data: &[u8]
fn compressed_tex_sub_image_2d(
        target: GLenum,
        level: GLint,
        xoffset: GLint,
        yoffset: GLint,
        width: GLsizei,
        height: GLsizei,
        format: GLenum,
        data: &[u8]
fn tex_image_3d(
        target: GLenum,
        level: GLint,
        internal_format: GLint,
        width: GLsizei,
        height: GLsizei,
        depth: GLsizei,
        border: GLint,
        format: GLenum,
        ty: GLenum,
        opt_data: Option<&[u8]>
fn copy_tex_image_2d(
        target: GLenum,
        level: GLint,
        internal_format: GLenum,
        x: GLint,
        y: GLint,
        width: GLsizei,
        height: GLsizei,
        border: GLint
fn copy_tex_sub_image_2d(
        target: GLenum,
        level: GLint,
        xoffset: GLint,
        yoffset: GLint,
        x: GLint,
        y: GLint,
        width: GLsizei,
        height: GLsizei
fn copy_tex_sub_image_3d(
        target: GLenum,
        level: GLint,
        xoffset: GLint,
        yoffset: GLint,
        zoffset: GLint,
        x: GLint,
        y: GLint,
        width: GLsizei,
        height: GLsizei
fn tex_sub_image_2d(
        target: GLenum,
        level: GLint,
        xoffset: GLint,
        yoffset: GLint,
        width: GLsizei,
        height: GLsizei,
        format: GLenum,
        ty: GLenum,
        data: &[u8]
fn tex_sub_image_2d_pbo(
        target: GLenum,
        level: GLint,
        xoffset: GLint,
        yoffset: GLint,
        width: GLsizei,
        height: GLsizei,
        format: GLenum,
        ty: GLenum,
        offset: usize
fn tex_sub_image_3d(
        target: GLenum,
        level: GLint,
        xoffset: GLint,
        yoffset: GLint,
        zoffset: GLint,
        width: GLsizei,
        height: GLsizei,
        depth: GLsizei,
        format: GLenum,
        ty: GLenum,
        data: &[u8]
fn tex_sub_image_3d_pbo(
        target: GLenum,
        level: GLint,
        xoffset: GLint,
        yoffset: GLint,
        zoffset: GLint,
        width: GLsizei,
        height: GLsizei,
        depth: GLsizei,
        format: GLenum,
        ty: GLenum,
        offset: usize
fn get_tex_image_into_buffer(
        target: GLenum,
        level: GLint,
        format: GLenum,
        ty: GLenum,
        output: &mut [u8]
fn get_integer_v(&self, name: GLenum) -> GLint;
fn get_integer_64v(&self, name: GLenum) -> GLint64;
fn get_integer_iv(&self, name: GLenum, index: GLuint) -> GLint;
fn get_integer_64iv(&self, name: GLenum, index: GLuint) -> GLint64;
fn get_boolean_v(&self, name: GLenum) -> GLboolean;
fn get_float_v(&self, name: GLenum) -> GLfloat;
fn get_framebuffer_attachment_parameter_iv(
        target: GLenum,
        attachment: GLenum,
        pname: GLenum
    ) -> GLint;
fn get_tex_parameter_iv(&self, target: GLenum, name: GLenum) -> GLint;
fn get_tex_parameter_fv(&self, target: GLenum, name: GLenum) -> GLfloat;
fn tex_parameter_i(&self, target: GLenum, pname: GLenum, param: GLint);
fn tex_parameter_f(&self, target: GLenum, pname: GLenum, param: GLfloat);
fn framebuffer_texture_2d(
        target: GLenum,
        attachment: GLenum,
        textarget: GLenum,
        texture: GLuint,
        level: GLint
fn framebuffer_texture_layer(
        target: GLenum,
        attachment: GLenum,
        texture: GLuint,
        level: GLint,
        layer: GLint
fn blit_framebuffer(
        src_x0: GLint,
        src_y0: GLint,
        src_x1: GLint,
        src_y1: GLint,
        dst_x0: GLint,
        dst_y0: GLint,
        dst_x1: GLint,
        dst_y1: GLint,
        mask: GLbitfield,
        filter: GLenum
fn vertex_attrib_4f(
        index: GLuint,
        x: GLfloat,
        y: GLfloat,
        z: GLfloat,
        w: GLfloat
fn vertex_attrib_pointer_f32(
        index: GLuint,
        size: GLint,
        normalized: bool,
        stride: GLsizei,
        offset: GLuint
fn vertex_attrib_pointer(
        index: GLuint,
        size: GLint,
        type_: GLenum,
        normalized: bool,
        stride: GLsizei,
        offset: GLuint
fn vertex_attrib_i_pointer(
        index: GLuint,
        size: GLint,
        type_: GLenum,
        stride: GLsizei,
        offset: GLuint
fn vertex_attrib_divisor(&self, index: GLuint, divisor: GLuint);
fn viewport(&self, x: GLint, y: GLint, width: GLsizei, height: GLsizei);
fn get_viewport(&self) -> (GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei);
fn scissor(&self, x: GLint, y: GLint, width: GLsizei, height: GLsizei);
fn line_width(&self, width: GLfloat);
fn use_program(&self, program: GLuint);
fn validate_program(&self, program: GLuint);
fn draw_arrays(&self, mode: GLenum, first: GLint, count: GLsizei);
fn draw_arrays_instanced(
        mode: GLenum,
        first: GLint,
        count: GLsizei,
        primcount: GLsizei
fn draw_elements(
        mode: GLenum,
        count: GLsizei,
        element_type: GLenum,
        indices_offset: GLuint
fn draw_elements_instanced(
        mode: GLenum,
        count: GLsizei,
        element_type: GLenum,
        indices_offset: GLuint,
        primcount: GLsizei
fn blend_color(&self, r: f32, g: f32, b: f32, a: f32);
fn blend_func(&self, sfactor: GLenum, dfactor: GLenum);
fn blend_func_separate(
        src_rgb: GLenum,
        dest_rgb: GLenum,
        src_alpha: GLenum,
        dest_alpha: GLenum
fn blend_equation(&self, mode: GLenum);
fn blend_equation_separate(&self, mode_rgb: GLenum, mode_alpha: GLenum);
fn color_mask(&self, r: bool, g: bool, b: bool, a: bool);
fn cull_face(&self, mode: GLenum);
fn front_face(&self, mode: GLenum);
fn enable(&self, cap: GLenum);
fn disable(&self, cap: GLenum);
fn hint(&self, param_name: GLenum, param_val: GLenum);
fn is_enabled(&self, cap: GLenum) -> GLboolean;
fn is_shader(&self, shader: GLuint) -> GLboolean;
fn is_texture(&self, texture: GLenum) -> GLboolean;
fn is_framebuffer(&self, framebuffer: GLenum) -> GLboolean;
fn is_renderbuffer(&self, renderbuffer: GLenum) -> GLboolean;
fn check_frame_buffer_status(&self, target: GLenum) -> GLenum;
fn enable_vertex_attrib_array(&self, index: GLuint);
fn disable_vertex_attrib_array(&self, index: GLuint);
fn uniform_1f(&self, location: GLint, v0: GLfloat);
fn uniform_1fv(&self, location: GLint, values: &[f32]);
fn uniform_1i(&self, location: GLint, v0: GLint);
fn uniform_1iv(&self, location: GLint, values: &[i32]);
fn uniform_1ui(&self, location: GLint, v0: GLuint);
fn uniform_2f(&self, location: GLint, v0: GLfloat, v1: GLfloat);
fn uniform_2fv(&self, location: GLint, values: &[f32]);
fn uniform_2i(&self, location: GLint, v0: GLint, v1: GLint);
fn uniform_2iv(&self, location: GLint, values: &[i32]);
fn uniform_2ui(&self, location: GLint, v0: GLuint, v1: GLuint);
fn uniform_3f(&self, location: GLint, v0: GLfloat, v1: GLfloat, v2: GLfloat);
fn uniform_3fv(&self, location: GLint, values: &[f32]);
fn uniform_3i(&self, location: GLint, v0: GLint, v1: GLint, v2: GLint);
fn uniform_3iv(&self, location: GLint, values: &[i32]);
fn uniform_3ui(&self, location: GLint, v0: GLuint, v1: GLuint, v2: GLuint);
fn uniform_4f(
        location: GLint,
        x: GLfloat,
        y: GLfloat,
        z: GLfloat,
        w: GLfloat
fn uniform_4i(
        location: GLint,
        x: GLint,
        y: GLint,
        z: GLint,
        w: GLint
fn uniform_4iv(&self, location: GLint, values: &[i32]);
fn uniform_4ui(
        location: GLint,
        x: GLuint,
        y: GLuint,
        z: GLuint,
        w: GLuint
fn uniform_4fv(&self, location: GLint, values: &[f32]);
fn uniform_matrix_2fv(
        location: GLint,
        transpose: bool,
        value: &[f32]
fn uniform_matrix_3fv(
        location: GLint,
        transpose: bool,
        value: &[f32]
fn uniform_matrix_4fv(
        location: GLint,
        transpose: bool,
        value: &[f32]
fn depth_mask(&self, flag: bool);
fn depth_range(&self, near: f64, far: f64);
fn get_active_attrib(
        program: GLuint,
        index: GLuint
    ) -> (i32, u32, String);
fn get_active_uniform(
        program: GLuint,
        index: GLuint
    ) -> (i32, u32, String);
fn get_active_uniforms_iv(
        program: GLuint,
        indices: Vec<GLuint>,
        pname: GLenum
    ) -> Vec<GLint>;
fn get_active_uniform_block_i(
        program: GLuint,
        index: GLuint,
        pname: GLenum
    ) -> GLint;
fn get_active_uniform_block_iv(
        program: GLuint,
        index: GLuint,
        pname: GLenum
    ) -> Vec<GLint>;
fn get_active_uniform_block_name(
        program: GLuint,
        index: GLuint
    ) -> String;
fn get_attrib_location(&self, program: GLuint, name: &str) -> c_int;
fn get_frag_data_location(&self, program: GLuint, name: &str) -> c_int;
fn get_uniform_location(&self, program: GLuint, name: &str) -> c_int;
fn get_program_info_log(&self, program: GLuint) -> String;
fn get_program_iv(&self, program: GLuint, pname: GLenum) -> GLint;
fn get_program_binary(&self, program: GLuint) -> (Vec<u8>, GLenum);
fn program_binary(&self, program: GLuint, format: GLenum, binary: &[u8]);
fn program_parameter_i(&self, program: GLuint, pname: GLenum, value: GLint);
fn get_vertex_attrib_iv(&self, index: GLuint, pname: GLenum) -> GLint;
fn get_vertex_attrib_fv(&self, index: GLuint, pname: GLenum) -> Vec<GLfloat>;
fn get_vertex_attrib_pointer_v(
        index: GLuint,
        pname: GLenum
    ) -> GLsizeiptr;
fn get_buffer_parameter_iv(&self, target: GLuint, pname: GLenum) -> GLint;
fn get_shader_info_log(&self, shader: GLuint) -> String;
fn get_string(&self, which: GLenum) -> String;
fn get_string_i(&self, which: GLenum, index: GLuint) -> String;
fn get_shader_iv(&self, shader: GLuint, pname: GLenum) -> GLint;
fn get_shader_precision_format(
        shader_type: GLuint,
        precision_type: GLuint
    ) -> (GLint, GLint, GLint);
fn compile_shader(&self, shader: GLuint);
fn create_program(&self) -> GLuint;
fn delete_program(&self, program: GLuint);
fn create_shader(&self, shader_type: GLenum) -> GLuint;
fn delete_shader(&self, shader: GLuint);
fn detach_shader(&self, program: GLuint, shader: GLuint);
fn link_program(&self, program: GLuint);
fn clear_color(&self, r: f32, g: f32, b: f32, a: f32);
fn clear(&self, buffer_mask: GLbitfield);
fn clear_depth(&self, depth: f64);
fn clear_stencil(&self, s: GLint);
fn flush(&self);
fn finish(&self);
fn get_error(&self) -> GLenum;
fn stencil_mask(&self, mask: GLuint);
fn stencil_mask_separate(&self, face: GLenum, mask: GLuint);
fn stencil_func(&self, func: GLenum, ref_: GLint, mask: GLuint);
fn stencil_func_separate(
        face: GLenum,
        func: GLenum,
        ref_: GLint,
        mask: GLuint
fn stencil_op(&self, sfail: GLenum, dpfail: GLenum, dppass: GLenum);
fn stencil_op_separate(
        face: GLenum,
        sfail: GLenum,
        dpfail: GLenum,
        dppass: GLenum
fn egl_image_target_texture2d_oes(
        target: GLenum,
        image: GLeglImageOES
fn generate_mipmap(&self, target: GLenum);
fn insert_event_marker_ext(&self, message: &str);
fn push_group_marker_ext(&self, message: &str);
fn pop_group_marker_ext(&self);
fn fence_sync(&self, condition: GLenum, flags: GLbitfield) -> GLsync;
fn client_wait_sync(
        sync: GLsync,
        flags: GLbitfield,
        timeout: GLuint64
fn wait_sync(&self, sync: GLsync, flags: GLbitfield, timeout: GLuint64);
fn delete_sync(&self, sync: GLsync);
fn texture_range_apple(&self, target: GLenum, data: &[u8]);
fn gen_fences_apple(&self, n: GLsizei) -> Vec<GLuint>;
fn delete_fences_apple(&self, fences: &[GLuint]);
fn set_fence_apple(&self, fence: GLuint);
fn finish_fence_apple(&self, fence: GLuint);
fn test_fence_apple(&self, fence: GLuint);
fn bind_frag_data_location_indexed(
        program: GLuint,
        color_number: GLuint,
        index: GLuint,
        name: &str
fn get_frag_data_index(&self, program: GLuint, name: &str) -> GLint;
fn alias_point_size_range(&self) -> (GLfloat, GLfloat);
fn max_viewport_dims(&self) -> (GLint, GLint);
fn get_debug_messages(&self) -> Vec<DebugMessage>; }

Required Methods

Important traits for Vec<u8>

Important traits for Vec<u8>

Important traits for Vec<u8>

Important traits for Vec<u8>

Important traits for Vec<u8>

Important traits for Vec<u8>

Important traits for Vec<u8>

Important traits for Vec<u8>

Important traits for Vec<u8>

Important traits for Vec<u8>

Important traits for Vec<u8>

Important traits for Vec<u8>

Important traits for Vec<u8>

Important traits for Vec<u8>

Returns the the maximum supported width and height of the viewport.

Important traits for Vec<u8>
