Module gl33::get_proc_address[][src]


GL must generally be dynamically loaded at runtime. This is done via a callback function that can look up the function pointer for a given function name. The caller passes in the pointer to a null-terminated string with the name of a GL function, and the callback returns the pointer to that function. This is generally called something like “gl get proc address”.

The way that you get an appropriate gl_get_proc_address function is platform dependent. Here’s some examples:


With SDL2, you should use the SDL_GL_GetProcAddress function (fermium crate docs, sdl2 crate docs).

use gl33::*;
use fermium::prelude::*;

todo!("create the GL context.");
let gl = unsafe { GlFns::load_from(&|p| SDL_GL_GetProcAddress(p) as _).unwrap() };


Glutin has a get_proc_address method on the Context type.

use gl33::*;

let ctx = todo!("get your GL context created by glutin");

let gl = unsafe {
  GlFns::load_from(&|p| {
    let c_str = std::ffi::CStr::from_ptr(c);
    let rust_str = c_str.to_str().unwrap();
    ctx.get_proc_address(rust_str) as _

Direct WinApi Calls

If you’re using winapi directly, you’ll have to use wglGetProcAddress for any function from OpenGL 1.2 or later, and then GetProcAddress on a handle to “opengl32.dll” for any function that’s from OpenGL 1.0 or 1.1.

use gl33::*;

use winapi::um::{
  libloaderapi::{GetProcAddress, LoadLibraryA},

todo!("first make your GL context and make it current");

let ogl32_lib = unsafe { LoadLibraryA(b"opengl32.dll\0") };
let gl = unsafe {
  GlFns::load_from(&|p| match wglGetProcAddress as usize {
    // some non-zero values are still error values
    0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | usize::MAX => GetProcAddress(ogl32_lib, name_ptr.cast()),
    otherwise => otherwise as _,