initSidebarItems({"fn":[["join_promises","Transforms a vector of promises into a promise for a vector."],["new_promise_and_fulfiller","Creates a new promise/fulfiller pair."]],"mod":[["io","Asynchronous input and output."]],"struct":[["EventLoop","A queue of events being executed in a loop on a single thread."],["Promise","A computation that might eventually resolve to a value of type `T` or to an error of type `E`."],["PromiseFulfiller","A handle that can be used to fulfill or reject a promise. If you think of a promise as the receiving end of a oneshot channel, then this is the sending end."],["TaskSet","Holds a collection of `Promise`s and ensures that each executes to completion. Destroying a TaskSet automatically cancels all of its unfinished promises."],["WaitScope","A scope in which asynchronous programming can occur. Corresponds to the top level scope of some event loop."]],"trait":[["FulfillerDropped","Specifies an error to generate when a PromiseFulfiller is dropped."],["TaskReaper","Callbacks to be invoked when a task in a `TaskSet` finishes. You are required to implement at least the failure case."]]});