var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["gitignore"] = {"doc":"Support for loading, parsing and matching paths against the rules in a `.gitignore` file.","items":[[3,"Error","gitignore","Encapsulates all the types of errors this crate can produce.",null,null],[3,"File","","Represents a `.gitignore` file. Use this to load the `.gitignore` file, parse the patterns,\nand then check if a given path would be excluded by any rules contained therein.",null,null],[3,"Pattern","","A pattern as found in a `.gitignore` file.",null,null],[12,"pattern","","The glob pattern after being parsed, negation or trailing directory slashes removed,\nand the root prepended if anchored.",0,null],[12,"anchored","","Whether the pattern had the root prepended so the matches must be within the root\ndirectory. That is to say, whether the pattern was anchored to the root.",0,null],[12,"negation","","Whether the pattern should, if it matches, negate any previously matching patterns. This\nflag has no effect if no previous patterns had matched.",0,null],[11,"from","","",1,{"inputs":[{"name":"error"}],"output":{"name":"error"}}],[11,"from","","",1,{"inputs":[{"name":"patternerror"}],"output":{"name":"error"}}],[11,"description","","",1,null],[11,"cause","","",1,null],[11,"fmt","","",1,null],[11,"fmt","","",1,null],[11,"fmt","","",2,null],[11,"new","","Parse the given `.gitignore` file for patterns, allowing any arbitrary path to be checked\nagainst the set of rules to test for exclusion.",2,{"inputs":[{"name":"path"}],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[11,"is_excluded","","Returns true if, after checking against all the patterns found in the `.gitignore` file,\nthe given path is matched any of the globs (applying negated patterns as expected).",2,null],[11,"included_files","","Returns a list of files that are not excluded by the rules in the loaded\n`.gitignore` file. It recurses through all subdirectories and returns\neverything that is not ignored.",2,null],[11,"fmt","","",0,null],[11,"new","","Create a new pattern from the raw glob as found in a `.gitignore` file.",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"str"},{"name":"path"}],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[11,"is_excluded","","Returns true if the given path is matched by the current pattern, and hence would be\nexcluded if found in a `.gitignore` file. The second argument, `directory`, is a `bool`\nrepresenting whether the given path is a directory - if so, it should be set to `true`,\notherwise `false` if not (eg. file, special file, symlink).",0,null]],"paths":[[3,"Pattern"],[3,"Error"],[3,"File"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);