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//! # What is this?
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//! ggez is a Rust library to create a Good Game Easily.
//! The current version is 0.9.3.
//! More specifically, ggez is a lightweight cross-platform game framework
//! for making 2D games with minimum friction. It aims to implement an
//! API based on (a Rustified version of) the [LÖVE](https://love2d.org/)
//! game framework. This means it contains basic and portable 2D
//! drawing, sound, resource loading and event handling, but finer details
//! and performance characteristics may be different than LÖVE.
//! ggez is not meant to be everything to everyone, but rather a good
//! base upon which to build. Thus it takes a fairly
//! batteries-included approach without needing a million additions
//! and plugins for everything imaginable, but also does not dictate
//! higher-level functionality such as physics engine or entity
//! component system. Instead the goal is to allow you to use
//! whichever libraries you want to provide these functions, or build
//! your own libraries atop ggez.
//! ## Features
//! * Filesystem abstraction that lets you load resources from folders or zip files
//! * Hardware-accelerated 2D rendering built on the `wgpu` graphics API
//! * Loading and playing .ogg, .wav and .flac files via the `rodio` crate
//! * TTF font rendering with `glyph_brush`.
//! * Interface for handling keyboard and mouse events easily through callbacks
//! * Config file for defining engine and game settings
//! * Easy timing and FPS measurement functions.
//! * Math library integration with `mint`.
//! * Some more advanced graphics options: shaders, instanced draws and render targets
//! ### Supported platforms
//! * Fully supported: Windows, Linux
//! * Not officially supported but might work anyway: Mac
//! For details, see [docs/BuildingForEveryPlatform.md](https://github.com/ggez/ggez/blob/master/docs/BuildingForEveryPlatform.md)
//! If you want to run ggez on Android, iOS or the web using WebAssembly take a look at [good-web-game](https://github.com/ggez/good-web-game).
//! ## Who's using ggez?
//! Check out the [projects list!](https://github.com/ggez/ggez/blob/master/docs/Projects.md)
//! ## Usage
//! ggez requires rustc >= 1.42 and is distributed on
//! crates.io. To include it in your project, just add the dependency
//! line to your `Cargo.toml` file:
//! ```text
//! ggez = "0.9.3"
//! ```
//! ggez consists of three main parts: A `Context` object which
//! contains all the state required to interface with the computer's
//! hardware, an `EventHandler` trait that the user implements to
//! register callbacks for events, and various sub-modules such as
//! `graphics` and `audio` that provide the functionality to actually
//! get stuff done. The general pattern is to create a struct holding
//! your game's data which implements the `EventHandler` trait.
//! Create a new `Context` object with default objects from a `ContextBuilder`
//! or `Conf` object, and then call `event::run()` with
//! the `Context` and an instance of your `EventHandler` to run your game's
//! main loop.
//! See the [API docs](https://docs.rs/ggez/) for full documentation, or the [examples](https://github.com/ggez/ggez/tree/master/examples) directory for a number of commented examples of varying complexity. Most examples show off
//! a single feature of ggez, while `astroblasto` and `snake` are small but complete games.
//! ## Getting started
//! For a quick tutorial on ggez, see the [Hello ggez](https://github.com/ggez/ggez/blob/master/docs/guides/HelloGgez.md) guide in the `docs/` directory.
//! ## Examples
//! See the `examples/` directory in the source. Most examples show off
//! a single feature of ggez, while `astroblasto` is a small but
//! complete Asteroids-like game.
//! To run the examples, just check out the source and execute `cargo run --example`
//! in the root directory:
//! ```text
//! git clone https://github.com/ggez/ggez.git
//! cd ggez
//! cargo run --example 05_astroblasto
//! ```
//! If this doesn't work, see the
//! [FAQ](https://github.com/ggez/ggez/blob/master/docs/FAQ.md) for solutions
//! to common problems.
//! ### Basic Project Template
//! ```rust,no_run
//! use ggez::{Context, ContextBuilder, GameResult};
//! use ggez::graphics::{self, Color};
//! use ggez::event::{self, EventHandler};
//! fn main() {
//! // Make a Context.
//! let (mut ctx, event_loop) = ContextBuilder::new("my_game", "Cool Game Author")
//! .build()
//! .expect("aieee, could not create ggez context!");
//! // Create an instance of your event handler.
//! // Usually, you should provide it with the Context object to
//! // use when setting your game up.
//! let my_game = MyGame::new(&mut ctx);
//! // Run!
//! event::run(ctx, event_loop, my_game);
//! }
//! struct MyGame {
//! // Your state here...
//! }
//! impl MyGame {
//! pub fn new(_ctx: &mut Context) -> MyGame {
//! // Load/create resources such as images here.
//! MyGame {
//! // ...
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! impl EventHandler for MyGame {
//! fn update(&mut self, _ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult {
//! // Update code here...
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! fn draw(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult {
//! let mut canvas = graphics::Canvas::from_frame(ctx, Color::WHITE);
//! // Draw code here...
//! canvas.finish(ctx)
//! }
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Implementation details
//! ggez is built upon `winit` for windowing and events, `rodio` for
//! sound, and a 2D drawing engine implemented with `wgpu`. It is entirely
//! thread-safe (though platform constraints mean the event-handling loop
//! and drawing must be done in the main thread), and portable to Windows
//! and Linux.
//! ggez is pure Rust™.
//! ## Help!
//! Sources of information:
//! * The [FAQ](https://github.com/ggez/ggez/blob/master/docs/FAQ.md) has answers to common questions and problems.
//! * The [API docs](https://docs.rs/ggez/), a lot of design stuff is explained there.
//! * Check out the [examples](https://github.com/ggez/ggez/tree/master/examples).
//! If you still have problems or questions, feel free to ask! Easiest ways are:
//! * Open an issue on [the Github issue tracker](https://github.com/ggez/ggez/issues)
//! * Say hi on [our new Discord server](https://discord.gg/48VycPe2ZX)
//! * Or ask the wise people on the [unofficial Rust Discord server](http://bit.ly/rust-community), the [Rust Gamedev server](https://discord.gg/yNtPTb2) or the [good-web-game Discord server](https://discord.gg/jum3Fjek2A)
//! License: MIT
html_logo_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ggez/ggez/master/docs/ggez-logo-maroon-logo-only.svg"
extern crate log;
pub use glam;
pub use mint;
pub mod audio;
pub mod conf;
pub mod context;
pub mod error;
pub mod event;
pub mod filesystem;
pub mod graphics;
pub mod input;
pub mod timer;
mod vfs;
pub use crate::context::{winit, Context, ContextBuilder};
pub use crate::error::*;