Module ggez::input::mouse[][src]

Expand description

Mouse utility functions.


Stores state information for the mouse.


Describes the appearance of the mouse cursor.

Describes a button of a mouse controller.


Returns whether or not the given mouse button is pressed.

Get whether or not the mouse is grabbed (confined to the window)

Set whether or not the mouse is hidden (invisible)

Returns the current mouse cursor type of the window.

Get the distance the cursor was moved during last frame, in pixels.

Get the current position of the mouse cursor, in pixels. Complement to set_position(). Uses strictly window-only coordinates.

Set whether or not the mouse is grabbed (confined to the window)

Set whether or not the mouse is hidden (invisible).

Modifies the mouse cursor type of the window.

Set the current position of the mouse cursor, in pixels. Uses strictly window-only coordinates.